Hub updates
The ELIXIR-EXCELERATE kick off meeting will take place in Cambridge this week. Participants will have received further details via email.
The ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board will also hold their annual meeting this week. On the agenda: review of the Belgian ELIXIR Node application, periodic review of existing ELIXIR Nodes, plans for technical activities in 2016, and others.
ELIXIR is holding ELIXIR Communications Workshop to kick-start the work on the ELIXIR Communications strategy.
ELIXIR Director, Niklas Blomberg presented ELIXIR at the first SAB meeting of the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI) in Berlin. Last week he was invited to present ELIXIR to the Australian Bioinformatics Network.
Report from the BD2K All All-Hands Grantee Meeting on 12-13 November 2015 in Bethesda, USA, is now available.
The European Commission has launched Consultation on Long Term sustainability of Research Infrastructures. The ELIXIR Hub will submit a response in consultation with ELIXIR Long-term sustainability WG and the Heads of Node.
Slides from the European Commission's e-infrastructure Information Day are now available online.
Job board
The ELIXIR Hub is seeking an ELIXIR Human Data Coordinator and ELIXIR Technical Project Officer (Service Management and Quality Assurance). The closing date for applications for both posts is 3 January 2016. More information can be found via the ELIXIR website.
Upcoming events
8-9 December 2015 | Cambridge, UK
ELIXIR SAB meeting
10 December 2015 | Cambridge, UK
11 December 2015 | Cambridge, UK
ELIXIR Communications Strategy Workshop
14-18 December 2015 | Bologna, Italy
Training course: Protein Networks and Systems Biology
13-14 January 2016 | Lausanne, Switzerland
ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry Instructor Training workshop
25-28 January 2016| Basel, Switzerland
SIB Training course: "Protein Bioinformatics: Sequence-Structure-Function"
4-7 February 2016 | Lyngby, Denmark
ELIXIR Tools and Data Services Registry - Resource Hackathon: DebianMed
8-9 March 2016 | Barcelona, Spain
ELIXIR all hands 2016
17-18 March 2016 | Leuven, Belgium
VIB 'Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences' Conference
6-8 April 2016 | Copenhagen, Denmark
GOBLET/ELIXIR hackaton for metagenomics training materials re-use