Weekly Brief 4 July 2016

Hub updates

Luxembourg has become the latest country to join ELIXIR. ELIXIR's membership now stands at 18, with a further two countries - Ireland and Greece - as Observers.

The ELIXIR website now has the functionality for intranet members to create content such as news items and events and to propose edits to existing pages. This will help to ensure that the ELIXIR website better captures the work being carried out across ELIXIR. The ELIXIR Hub still retains responsibility for approving and publishing the submitted text. In order to help partners use this new functionality, the Hub has produced the following documentation:

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR Netherlands's Rob Hooft held a webinar 'How to Create a good Research Data Management Plan'. The slides are on the intranet and the recordings are now available online on the Elsevier publishing campus (sign in required).

Updates from Use cases

The Human Data Use Case presented the Local EGA demo in a webinar last week. The slides are available on github, the recording will be added shortly.

A joint ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Human data Use case (WP9), Capacity building (WP10) and FAIRport Designathon will take place on 6-8 July 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The event will design the technical solution to align the European Genome-phenome archive with FAIRport. You are invited to participate in the event's open video-conference session on 7 July at 15-18.00.

Updates from Platforms

ELIXIR Italy organises training 'Exome analysis with GALAXY' on 19-20 September 2016 in Milan. The registration deadline is on 30 July 2016.

Job board

The Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) is seeking a System Administrator for their prospective ELIXIR Node.

Upcoming events

Meetings and Conferences organised by ELIXIR Nodes

25-26 August 2016 | Odense, Denmark
Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference

ELIXIR related Workshops and Courses organised by ELIXIR Nodes

28-29 June 2106 | Bern, Switzerland
First steps with R in Life Sciences

29 August - 2 September 2016 | Lausanne, Switzerland
Training course: Biochemical Pathways and Large Scale Metabolic Networks

12-14 September 2016 | Manchester, UK
4th Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences

31 Oct - 3 Nov 2016 | Heraklion, Crete
Variant Effect Prediction Training Course