Weekly Brief 30 January 2017

Hub updates

The ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee held their annual meeting last week. A summary of the meeting can be found on the ELIXIR Website.

ELIXIR will be exhibiting at the Festival of Genomics in London this week.
ELIXIR All Hands 2017 programme published. A reminder that if you haven't already signed up to the ELIXIR All Hands event, then please complete the registration. Please remember to use the booking code ELIXIR when booking accommodation at the Barcelu00f3 Aran Mantegna hotel.

Dana u010cernoškovu00e1 joins this week the ELIXIR Hub as Events Officer. She will cover for Melissa's maternity leave - from 10 February on, please send any events related emails to Dana: dana.cernoskova@elixir-europe.org.

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR Netherlands is organising a training course Galaxy for NGS, 6-8 February 2017 in Rotterdam. Registration is still open! ELIXIR Spain will be hosting a Genotype Tissue Expression (GTEx) Project Scientific Community meeting in Barcelona, 21-22nd April 2017.

A call for Abstract Submissions and Workshop Proposals is also open for NGS 2017 taking place in Barcelona, April 3 - 5 2017, hosted by the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) and the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG).

Updates from Platforms

ELIXIR Sweden and ELIXIR Slovenia will be hosting a webinar on 'How to get the most out of your microarray experiment - from design to biology" on 14 February, 12:30-14:30 CET. Register now.

Job board

The ELIXIR Hub is seeking a Technical Coordinator: ELIXIR Human Genomics and Translational Data Services and an ELIXIR Technical Project Manager to join the team at Hinxton.

INESC-ID (ELIXIR Portugal) has a number of PhD/post research opportunities available working on the PRECISE project - Accelerating progress toward the new era of precision medicine.

Upcoming events

ELIXIR events

9 February 2017 | Ghent, Belgium
ELIXIR Belgium launch event

2-3 February | Aarhus, Denmark
bio.tools Hackathon: Genomics Tools and Databases in Agricultural Science

27-28 February 2017 | Helsinki, Finland
ELIXIR SME & Innovation Forum event

1-2 March 2017 | Tu00fcbingen, Germany
Strategic workshop "The future of proteomics in ELIXIR"

21-23 March 2017 | Rome, Italy
ELIXIR All Hands 2017

4-5 April 2017 | Freiburg, Germany
ELIXIR AAI Training Workshop