Weekly Brief 23 October 2017

Updates from Platforms

The deadline for the Data Platform call for Implementation Study proposals addressing Integration of Data Resources from ELIXIR Nodes: Increasing the sustainability of the ELIXIR Data Resource landscape is approaching. Proposals must be received by Tuesday 31 October. More information is on 6 September slides and webinar. Rachel Drysdale (rachel.drysdale@elixir-europe.org) is happy to answer any questions.

The Data Platform is planning a second round of selection of Core Data Resources. The template for application and supporting documentation will be publicised in mid-November, with applications being taken from 1 December 2017 until 17 January 2018. A Webinar is planned for 6 December 2017, to provide background information and a Q&A session.

The Training Platform offer proven training materials and experienced tutors to any Node interested in hosting a Train the Trainer course. You can indicate you interest via this Google Spreadsheet. Contact the Training Platform for more information.

Updates from Use Cases

ELIXIR Beacon has been selected as GA4GH Driver Project. GA4GH driver projets are real-world genomic data initiatives that help guide the development efforts of GA4GH.

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR-NL is co-organising the Health-RI 2017 conference on 8 December in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Registration is open! ELIXIR UK is holding its annual All Hands meeting in Edinburgh on 1-2 November 2017. All are welcome to attend. EMBL-EBI is organising three Training courses:

20-23 February 2018 | Hixton, UK
Introduction to Multiomics Data Integration. Registration closes on 24 November 2017

19-20 March 2018 | Hinxton, UK
Bioinformatics for Discovery. Registration opened on 18 October 2017

9-12 April 2018 | Hinxton, UK
Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing. Registration opened on 20 October 2017

Job board

ELIXIR Switzerland is looking for a post-doc in Bioinformatics and Semantic web technologies to join the CALIPHO group at the University of Geneva.

There are two internship positions open at the ELIXIR Hub: the Bioschemas internship and the ELIXIR Beacons internship.

ELIXIR Germany is looking for a Computer Science / Bioinformatics / cloud computing scientist at the Bioinformatics Department, Medizinisches Proteom-Center. Link to the advert in English.

EMBL-EBI is looking for an ELIXIR Competency Centre Project Manager to work within a new EC funded project - European Open Science Cloud Hub.

Upcoming events

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a wide variety of inspirational events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. ELIXIR events

13 November 2017 | Online
ELIXIR Webinar: Transfer of large volume, electronic, confidential, human data

13-14 November 2017 | Paris, France
ELIXIR Board meeting
14-15 November 2017 | Paris, France
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Data Driven Innovation in Rare Diseases and Personalised Medicine

4-7 June 2018 | Berlin, Germany
ELIXIR All Hands meeting