Weekly Brief, 22 January 2024

This week's highlights

Facilitating conversations on TREs with industry

Autumn 2023 was busy for the ELIXIR industry programme: the annual ELIXIR Bioinformatics and Industry Forum (EBIF) was held in London in November and ELIXIR presented at two industry conferences, BioTechX and Bio-IT World. The main focus of the events was Trusted Research Environments (TREs), which approved researchers with a single location to access valuable datasets.

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Dates for new Generative AI Discussion Group

All are welcome to join the discussions and see how ELIXIR people are using generative AI, non scientific/technical folk are warmly invited. Dates proposed (all 14-15 CET):

  • Monday 26 February

  • Friday 22 March

  • Monday 22 April

  • Monday 13 May

  • Monday 24 June

Please see the rolling agenda for the zoom link and a summary of last week's planning meeting, tag the agenda if you spot any clashes with the proposed dates.
Contact elaine.harrison@elixir-europe.org to present your generative AI explorations in a relaxed and informal environment.

Recommended reads

The Origin of Discrepancies between Predictions and Annotations in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

An ELIXIR IDP Community paper

Disorder prediction methods that can discriminate between ordered and disordered regions have contributed fundamentally to our understanding of the properties and prevalence of intrinsically disordered proteins in proteomes as well as their functional roles. This study compared two methods, IUPred and disorder prediction, based on the pLDDT scores derived from AlphaFold2 models. The results provide valuable insights into the inherent limitations and potential biases of disorder prediction methods.

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A multi-omics data analysis workflow packaged as a FAIR Digital Object

An ELIXIR-NL paper

Applying good data management and FAIR data principles in research projects can help disentangle knowledge discovery, study result reproducibility, and data reuse in future studies. FAIR Digital Objects enable discovery and reuse of Research Objects, including computational workflows for both humans and machines. The authors developed a multi-omics data analysis workflow implementing FAIR practices to share it as a FAIR Digital Object.

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Updates from Nodes

Data Stewards Interest Group (DSIG) meeting

1 February 2024 | 10:30-12:15 CET | Online

Radboud University and Twente University will share their experiences with Research Data Management for Students. All data stewards and people in related roles are welcome to join these online meetings.

More information

Metabolomics & Fermented Foods

29 February 2024 | Utrecht, the Netherlands

This one day Symposium will initiate an open discussion on how metabolomics is contributing to answering complex questions in the field of Fermented Foods concerning monitoring health and food safety issues. The main focus will be on mammalian health and food production.

More information

Updates from Platforms

How to make use of the ELIXIR Training Platform and its resources

ELIXIR Training Platform empowers researchers to use ELIXIR's services and tools, strengthens national training programmes, and grows bioinformatics, data stewardship, and training capacity and competence across Europe. The Training Platform has completed an article on How to make use of the ELIXIR Training Platform and is now live on FEBS.

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Updates from Focus Groups

Health Data Focus Group selects the third co-lead

The Health Data Focus Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Patrick Ruch, ELIXIR-CH as the third co-lead for the Health Data Focus Group.

Patrick has been Full professor at HES-SO & Group leader at SIB since 2007 and Data Platform ExCo from 2016. His research focuses on information retrieval, language models, text mining, precision medicine, curation-support, multi-party computations for EGA.

We are excited to have Patrick on board and the first Health Data Focus Group meeting for 2024 will take place on 22 February 2024 at 3:00 pm CET.

Updates from other initiatives

Highlight presentation of Bioschemas community meeting

The Bioschemas community are pleased to share a highlight presentation recording on the ARK identifier scheme by John Kunze of the ARK Alliance.
For further information on the Bisochemas community and future highlight presentations, please sign up to the mailing list

Check the recording of the presentation

Open science for pandemic preparedness - accelerating research, innovation and policy-making

The BY-COVID project gathered together key opinion leaders in Brussels at the end of 2023 to discuss different perspectives on using open science to advance pandemic preparedness. The one-day meeting focused on open science in research, industry and innovation, and policy-making and was attended by BY-COVID project partners and representatives from academia, industry and policy fields.

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Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

ELIXIR Compute Platform 2024 Face-to-Face Meeting
24 January 2024 | Brno, Czech Republic

Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

CarrerasLeaders postdoctoral fellowships in blood cancers

Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC)