Weekly Brief 19 September 2016

Hub updates

Anybody interested in industry outreach can now join the ELIXIR Industry group on the intranet. Led by Pablo Roman, ELIXIR Hub Industry and International Officer, the group is open to any ELIXIR member.

Platform updates

Read the news release to announce the launch of the production version of the TeSS portal.

Node updates

ELIXIR Belgium is organising a Data workshop on 7-8 November 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. ELIXIR Slovenia is holding its launch event this Tuesday. More information at www.elixir-slovenia.org.

Job board

The ELIXIR Hub is seeking a Data Coordinator to join the team at Hinxton.

ELIXIR Luxembourg is seeking a Science Manager and Software Developer for web-based translational medicine knowledge management and analysis tools.
ELIXIR France is seeking a post doc bioinformatician in genome assembly and annotation.

Upcoming events

ELIXIR related Workshops and Courses organised by ELIXIR Nodes

20-21 September 2016 | Ljubljana, Slovenia ELIXIR Slovenija Launch & 11th CFGBC Symposium: 'Data For Life'
26 September 2016 | Basel, Switzerland
GATK Workshop

26-28 September 2016 | Leiden, Netherlands
NGS Course: RNA-seq data analysis, 2016 (6th edition) 26-30 September 2016 | Bari, ItalyTraining course "Python for Life Scientists"

29-30 September | Lausanne, Switzerland
EPD 30th Anniversary Symposium

20-21 October 2016 | Barcelona, Spain
BioExcel: workflow training for computational biomolecular research

20-21 October 2016 | Freiburg, Germany
Swiss German Galaxy Tour/Day 2016
25-26 October 2016 | Rome, Italy
Combined CHARME - EMBnet and NETTAB 2016 Workshop, 'Reproducibility, standards and SOP in bioinformatics'

26 - 28 October 2016 | Berlin, Germany
1st conference of the European Association of Systems Medicine

1-3 November 2016 | Hinxton, UK
Exploring biological sequence data - training course

1-3 November 2016 | Maastricht, Netherlands
BYOD event on WikiPathways, nanopub.org, and Rett Syndrome

31 Oct - 3 Nov 2016 | Heraklion, Crete
Variant Effect Prediction Training Course

2-4 November 2016 | Oeiras, Portugal
Analysis of B and T cell repertoires from high-throughput sequencing data using bioinformatics workflows

7-8 November 2016 | Harpenden, UK
ELIXIR-UK All-Hands meeting

7-8 November 2016 | Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR Belgium Data Workshop

7-9 November 2016 | Heidelberg, Germany
International de.NBI Symposium, "Bioinformatics for Human Health and Disease"

21-25 November 2016 | Nijmegen, Netherlands
Comparative Genomics: from evolution to function (3rd edition)

28 Nov - 1 Dec 2016 | Hinxton, UK
Exploring genomic variation with high throughput sequencing data

28 Nov - 2 Dec 2016 | Roscoff, France
Metabolomics course in Galaxy Infrastructure