Weekly Brief 19 June 2017

Hub updates

ELIXIR Heads of Nodes met in Woking, UK, last week for their annual retreat meeting. Items on the agenda included the review of a number of new ELIXIR Implementation Studies scheduled for launch later this year, priorities for the 2018 Work Plan and discussion related to the next ELIXIR Scientific Programme (2019-2023).

A white paper, presented at the meeting, proposing the integration of computational proteomics into ELIXIR can be found here.

A new paper has also been released on the ELIXIR F1000 channel with recommendations to encourage best practices in research software.

You can sign up to endorse the recommendations to encourage best practices in research software here.

Prof. Mark A Musen (University of Stanford, USA) will present a webinar on CEDAR, Center for Expanded Data Annotation and Retrieval, part of the NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) program this Wednesday,15.00 CEST as part of the ELIXIR Webinar Series.

ELIXIR webinars are free to join and open for anyone to take part.

More information on upcoming webinars can be found here. Further webinars for the remainder of 2017 going into 2018 will be announced shortly.

CORBEL Mid-Term review is taking place this week on Thursday 22 June in Brussels, Belgium. The review is preceded by 'Innovation by Open Access' meeting on Tuesday to discuss how the project can stimulate innovation in Europe.

Node updates

Free places are still available for the de.NBI summer school on Computational genomics and RNA biology, taking place in Berlin on 25-29 September 2017. More information and registration here.

Platform updates

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE WP10 is carrying out a survey to identify future putative areas of capacity building, where specialised support across ELIXIR Nodes is needed. Please complete the survey here.

An International Workshop on Data Science Training: Standards, Schemas, and Successes' took place (May in CA). Niall Beard, Terri Attwood and Louisa Bellis, representing the TP and TeSS, attended to align efforts between ELIXIR Training and BD2K TCC. Full details here.

Allegra Via (ELIXIR-IT) completed the Instructor Trainer programme of the Software and Data Carpentry Foundations. The certificate has been awarded for successfully completing the training required to organise, deliver, and evaluate instructor training for SWC/DC. The Compute Platform is holding its face-to-face meeting in Prague this week on Monday and Tuesday. An update from the Bioschemas meeting held in Hinxton on 24-26 May, as part of the Interoperability Platform Implementation Study, is now available available on the ELIXIR UK website.

Job board

The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences has a Postdoctoral Position in Computation Biology available.

SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is looking for a Chief Operating Officer to strengthen the team of the Vital-IT Competence Centre in Lausanne.

Upcoming events

See the ELIXIR TeSS portal for all events organised by ELIXIR Nodes. ELIXIR events

19-23 June 2017| Ljubljana, Slovenia
2nd ELIXIR EXCELERATE Genome Assembly and Annotation course

3-5 July 2017 | Cambridge, UK
EXCELERATE Train-the-Trainer in Clinical bioinformatics and best practices workshop

18-22 September 2017 | Rome, Italy
5th International Summer School/BYOD event: Rare Disease & Orphan Drug Registries