Hub updates
Slides and photos are now available from ELIXIR Open Data in Action conference held on 4 February in Brussels.
ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee Public Summary report issued by the IAC following their January meeting now available via the ELIXIR website.
Registration for the ELIXIR All Hands is now closed. However, you can still register for the following ELIXIR All Hands satellite meetings (Using this spreadsheet):
- ELIXIR Beacon Workshop
- Satellite meeting for training and data searching
Prof. Jason Swedlow will present an Update on Euro-BioImaging Image Data Repository (IDR) project and its interface with ELIXIR and its interface with ELIXIR as part of the ELIXIR Webinar Series on Wednesday 17 February, 14:00 UK time/15:00 CET. Join here.
ELIXIR is the main organising sponsor of the 15th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) on 3-7 September 2016 in The Hague, the Netherlands. The programme will feature a dedicated track to showcase ELIXIR activities, the talks in the ELIXIR track will be selected through an open call launched, together with the general ECCB 2016 call. The deadline for submissions is 29 March 2016.
Updates from Nodes
EMBL-EBI commissioned an independent analysis of their economic and social impact, which showed that for every £1 million spent on the institute, the return to society is roughly £20 million. The findings underline the value and impact of open data in the life sciences.
The Full Report details the methodology, and an Executive Summary highlights its key findings. ELIXIR partners may find the published approaches useful for planning impact reporting on behalf of different public funding agencies.
Platform updates
Update from the second in the series of 'ELIXIR Resource Hackathon' Resource Hackathon: DebianMed held in Lyngby, Denmark, 4-7 February 2016.
Job board
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is seeking a project manager to join their team.
Applications are invited for a research assistant position at the Biology Centre ASCR (Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic), part of ELIXIR CZ.
ELIXIR Belgium is looking for Project Coordinator to coordinate the development of the Belgian Node and the Belgian bioinformatics community.
Upcoming events
1-3 March 2016 | Tokyo, Japan
Seventh Plenary Meeting of the Research Data Alliance (with joint ELIXIR-BioSharing session)
7-10 March 2016 | Barcelona, Spain
ELIXIR All Hands 2016
15-16 March 2016| Manchester UK
Joint ELIXIR and DARIAH "AAI Workshop for Service and Resource Providers"
17-18 March 2016 | Leuven, Belgium
VIB 'Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences' Conference
7-8 April 2016 | Hinxton, UK
GOBLET/ELIXIR hackaton for metagenomics training materials re-use
19-20 April 2016 | Lunteren, The Netherlands
Dutch Bioinformatics & Systems Biology conference (BioSB 2016)