Weekly Brief 14 November 2016

Hub updates

If you are interested in being involved in contributing in a review of equal opportunities across ELIXIR and further developments of our policies, please sign up to the ELIXIR equal opportunities group and mailing list.

The ELIXIR Hub is seeking suggestions for topics for ELIXIR Webinars to continue the ELIXIR Webinar Series into 2017. Please send suggestions to nicola.kay@elixir-europe.org.

Training and Technical Coordinators

The report from the Training Coordinator Group (TrCG) meeting held in Rome is now available. Reports from Technical Coordinator Group (TeCG) meeting and joint TeCG/TrCG meeting to follow.

Platform updates

Representatives from the ELIXIR Compute Platform will present a webinar on the ELIXIR Technical Services Roadmap, a deliverable under ELIXIR-EXCELERATE WP4 this Wednesday 16 November 15.00 CET as part of the ELIXIR Webinar series.

A 4 day European Galaxy Developer Workshop will be held in Strasbourg, France, 16-19 January 2017. The workshop is open to Developers, Computer Scientists and Bioinformaticians who are interested in learning how to integrate high-quality tools and visualisations into Galaxy using best practice guidelines and how to deploy them. Register now.

A BioExcel webinar on Large-scale analytical workflows on the cloud using Galaxy and Globus will also be held this Wednesday 16 Novemeber 16:00 CET. Report from 'Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) workshop' on WikiPathways, nano pubs and the Rett Syndrome held in Maastricht, Netherlands (If available)

A Smart Descriptions & Smarter Vocabularies (SDSVoc) workshop will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands on 30 November-1 December which may be of interest to members of the ELIXIR Interoperability platform.
A second webinar on the process for the selection of ELIXIR Core Data Resources will take place at 15.00 CET today in order to answer any questions from Nodes on what is expected from the submissions.

As agreed with the Heads of Nodes committee this will be a preliminary process with the primary purpose of understanding if this is an effective, excellence driven approach. If you are considering any submissions speak to your Head of Node.

The white paper "Defining a lingua franca for the ELIXIR/GOBLET e-learning ecosystem", part of the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE WP11 milestone 11.4a, is now available online at Zenodo.


A second webinar on the process for the selection of ELIXIR Core Data Resources will take place at 15.00 CET today in order to answer any questions from Nodes on what is expected from the submissions.

As agreed with the Heads of Nodes committee this will be a preliminary process with the primary purpose of understanding if this is an effective, excellence driven approach. If you are considering any submissions speak to your Head of Node.

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR Netherlands has a new Twitter handle - @ELIXIRNL. The handle for @DTL_nl will still be used too. The third FAIRDOM/de.NBI Systems Biology Developers' Foundry Workshop will take place in Frankfurt on 1-2 December 2016. Further information

Job board

The ELIXIR Hub is seeking an Events Officer (Maternity cover)

CNIO (ELIXIR Spain) is seeking a Project Director, a Project Leader and a Senior Technical Researcher for their Text Mining Unit.

Science for Life Laboratory (ELIXIR Sweden) is seeking a Bioinformatics Scientist to join their team.

SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (ELIXIR Switzerland) is seeking a Head of Communications.

Leiden University Medical Centre (ELIXIR- Netherlands) currently has various positions available in the area of bioinformatics.

ELIXIR France is seeking a post doc bioinformatician in genome assembly and annotation.

Upcoming events

ELIXIR Webinars
14 November 2016 15:00 CETSecond webinar on the process for the selection of ELIXIR Core Data Resources
16 November 2016 15:00 CETELIXIR Webinar: ELIXIR Technical Services Roadmap
30 November 2016 15:00 CET
ELIXIR Webinar: Danish cloud - computerome

Recordings from previous webinars can be found via the ELIXIR website.
ELIXIR events

16-19 January 2017 | Strasbourg, France
European Galaxy Developer Workshop (EGDW 2017)

21-23 March 2017 | Rome, Italy
ELIXIR All Hands 2017

ELIXIR related Workshops and Courses organised by ELIXIR Nodes

Comparative Genomics: from evolution to function (3rd edition)

28 Nov - 2 Dec 2016 | Roscoff, France
Metabolomics course in Galaxy Infrastructure

1-2 December 2016 | Bern, Switzerland
RNA-seq: From quality control to pathway analysis

1-2 December 2016 | Frankfurt, Germany
Third FAIRDOM/de.NBI Systems Biology Developers' Foundry Workshop

30 January - 3 February 2017 | Hinxton, UK
Data Visualisation for Biology: a practical workshop on design, techniques and tools