Hub updates
Please complete an online survey on different aspects of ELIXIR Communications channels (newsletters, website, social media etc.)
It is part of the review of the ELIXIR Communications Strategy to evaluate current communications activities both within ELIXIR and to external stakeholders. Your answers will help us improve our external and internal communications and find out what communications support you need.
Yasset Perez-Riverol (EMBL-EBI) will present an ELIXIR Webinar on OmicsDI-Integrating Multiple Omics Repositories at 14.00 BST,15.00 CEST on 16 September 2017. Join the webinar here.
Platform updates
ELIXIR-ES and ELIXIR-CH are hosting a workshop: Benchmarking Incentives and Best Practises Across Scientific Disciplines, Basel, 12 September 2017. The workshop is a great opportunity to share benchmarking experiences in bioinformatics, and start future collaborations in the area.
The Tools Platform are organising a Biocontainers Hackathon in Paris, 9-11 October 2107. Biocontainers allows labs of all sizes to easily install bioinformatics software, maintain multiple versions and combine tools into powerful analysis pipelines.
Use Case updates
The Human Genomics and Translational Data Use Case will present the ELIXIR Beacons Project as a poster at the Big Data in Health and Biology meeting, Hinxton, UK, 25 - 27 September 2017. ELIXIR Beacons is an open sharing platform that allows any genomic data centre in the world to make its data discoverable.
Updates from Nodes
The Swiss ELIXIR Node is hosting the 13th [BC]2 - Basel Computational Biology Conference on 12-15 September 2017, Basel, Switzerland. Join them for this key event, uniting scientists in bioinformatics, computational biology, neuroscience, medicine, and systems biology. ELIXIR Luxembourg is organising its Node Launch Event in Belvaux on 7 September 2017. Particpation is free, registration is required.
The Luxembourg ELIXIR Node are also hosting the 4th International Systems Biomedicine Symposium - "Impact of big data analytics on healthcare" Luxembourg, 4-5 October 2017. The German ELIXIR Node new de.NBI Quarterly Newsletter, Edition August 2017, has been published. It reports on the main de.NBI activities since May 2017. The Denmark ELIXIR Node is hosting the Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference, on 23 August 2017.
Job board
The Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciu00eancia is welcoming applications for a (MSc level) Research Scholarship in bioinformatics training.
DTU (ELIXIR Denmark) is seeking a database architect and scientific computing programmer.
EMBL-EBI is looking for Biocurator to join the Data Coordination and Archiving Team. The post holder will contribute to EU projects EMBRIC and ENVRI+ where EMBL-EBI represents ELIXIR.
Upcoming events
See the ELIXIR TeSS portal for all events organised by ELIXIR Nodes. ELIXIR events
18-22 September 2017 | Rome, Italy
5th International Summer School/BYOD event: Rare Disease & Orphan Drug Registries
27-29 September, 2017| Fisciano, Italy
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Train the Trainer course
9-10 October 2017 | Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Data-driven innovation in food, nutrition and the microbiome
4-7 June 2018 | Berlin, Germany
ELIXIR All Hands meeting