Hub updates
Platforms and Use Cases will be presented at the ELIXIR Special track at ISMB/ECCB 2017 in Prague.
ELIXIR will also be have two exhibition booths at the conference - one as a general information point, manned by the ELIXIR Hub, and one as a demonstration area featuring ELIXIR Services such as TeSS, BioTools and InterMine.
If you would like to showcase the activities of your Node at the booth, please indicate your interest in this spreadsheet.
Node updates
SIB has published a paper as a national bioinformatics model organization to inspire other countries. A course on 'Differential analysis of quantitative proteomics data using R' will be held at Ruhr-University Bochum, part of de.NBI, on 13 November 2017. Register here.
Platform updates
The ELIXIR Training Platform has published a paper on developing a strategy for computational lab skills training through Software and Data Carpentry: Experiences from the ELIXIR SWC/DC Pilot action through F1000. Feedback is invited on the emerging information standard for the description of tools that is being adopted by Please join the discussion. A Webinar Demonstrator of the Compute Platform on Human Data Use Case (ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Milestone) is scheduled October 18th, 15.00 CET/14.00 UK.
The ELIXIR community is invited to review and comment on the Update of the ELIXIR technical roadmap before its finalization at the end of July.
Use case updates
EATRIS invites BMS RI colleagues to attend the Translational Medicine 2017 conference, to be held September 24-26 in Prague.
We have one free registration available to ELIXIR. Please contact us if you are interested.
Job board
DTU (ELIXIR Denmark) is seeking a database architect and scientific computing programmer.
The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences has a Postdoctoral Position in Computation Biology available.
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is looking for a Chief Operating Officer to strengthen the team of the Vital-IT Competence Centre in Lausanne.
Upcoming events
See the ELIXIR TeSS portal for all events organised by ELIXIR Nodes. ELIXIR events
18-22 September 2017 | Rome, Italy
5th International Summer School/BYOD event: Rare Disease & Orphan Drug Registries
4-7 June 2018 | Berlin, Germany
ELIXIR All Hands meeting