Key Contributors Update 31 March 2017

The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.

Needs action

Q1 Update to the ELIXIR 2017 Work Plan - please review

The draft Update to the Work Plan is now ready for the HoN to review. As presented at the Heads of Nodes TC on 17 March, the Q1 Update to the annual Work Plan contains only minor changes. These are highlighted in the document as tracked changes.

The HoN are asked to review the scientific sections of the updated Work Plan. Note that the section on the overall budget and Hub organisation will still be updated.

Please review the update by Thursday 6 April and send any comments to

Download the Q1 Update to the ELIXIR 2017 Work Plan

For information

HoN Working Group first teleconference

The first teleconference of the ELIXIR HoNs WG to develop ELIXIR's scientific planning and internal oversight processes will take place on 3 April, 3-4 PM CET. Expected outcomes of the TC:Elect the WG chairDiscuss and agree on the WG scope.Prioritise items from the scope.Agree timeline, next meeting Contact for further information.

Minutes from ELIXIR HoNs meetings March 2017

Minutes from the ELIXIR HoNs TC held Friday 17 March to cover non-EXCELERATE matters are now available here.

Minutes from the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE HoN meeting held alongside the ELIXIR All Hands on 20 March can be found here.

Registration for ELIXIR Board meeting, April 2017

Heads of Nodes are invited to attend by open invitation the ELIXIR Board meeting being held at the NH Utrecht Hotel, Netherlands on 24 - 25 April. Please ensure you register here by next Friday 7 April if you plan to attend. A full agenda and documents for the meeting will be made available to HoNs shortly.

Registration for ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Mid Term Review (10 May 2017, Brussels)

A reminder that all EXCELERATE Work Package Leaders and EXCELERATE HoN committee members are expected to attend the ELIXIR EXCELERATE midterm review taking place on on 10 May 2017 at: Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium.

The preliminary agenda for the meeting can be found here (EC Approval Pending).

Further details and registration for the meeting can be found here.

EC Official Communication of the Reporting period 1 (RP1) review meeting Objectives, Date and Reviewer can be found here.

Note: We are collecting now availability to organise a Project Dinner the May 9th 20:00 PM, if you have already filled in the registration, but want to join us please contact let us know using

Please ensure you register ASAP if you have no done it already. If you are not able to attend the meeting yourself, please nominate a representative to attend on your behalf.

ELIXIR HoNs (who are not part of ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Consortium) and TeCs are also welcome to attend the review, but their attendance is not mandatory (and space is limited). Please note this is a formal affair with little room for interactive discussions.

ELIXIR Policy Impact Review meeting. Core Resources (11 May 2017, Brussels)

We would also like to invite you to attend an ELIXIR Policy Impact Review meeting, focused around the ELIXIR Core Resources, being held in Brussels on the following day after the mid term review 11 May 2017 at the same venue than the EXCELERATE Review meeting.

More information about this meeting can be found here,

Registration for this event can be found here.

Key dates and meetings

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE midterm review

  • 10 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium

ELIXIR Europe conference: Core Resources for a Data Economy

  • 11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium

Heads of Node retreat

  • 13 - 14 June 2017, Woking, UK

Heads of Node meeting (to review the 2018 Work Plan and Budget)

  • 13 September 2017, Date and location TBC

Heads of Node TC

  • 5 December 2017, 13.00 - 16.00 UK time/14.00 - 17.00 CET