Key Contributors Update 30 June 2017

The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.

Action items

External reviewers needed - Request for Proposals - Integration of Data Resources from ELIXIR Nodes

As you are aware, The Data Platform will be soliciting proposals for Implementation Studies on the theme 'Integration of Data Resources from ELIXIR Nodes', with the Request for Proposals to be circulated in August, and opening for applications from 1st September 2017. Consequently we need to assemble a panel of reviewers to evaluate the Proposals. We are following the framework outlined in the ELIXIR Board-approved process for internal tendering (ELIXIR/2015/27.1) , and plan to appoint External Reviewers, as we did for the Core Data Resources exercise. We are looking for suggestions of senior, active researchers. We also welcome nominations for reviewers with background and expertise on infrastructure services.

We would be grateful if you would you pass on names of people you feel would be appropriate for this panel. Please send your suggestions to, by August 10th.

Any queries please contact Rachel Drysdale.

Written procedure to agree on principles for the selection and renewal of ELIXIR Use Cases

A reminder to please review the proposed principles to select and renew ELIXIR Use Cases, as presented in ELIXIRHON/2017/15, developed by the HoN WG and presented at the HoN retreat 13-14 June, and provide your comments by next Friday July 7 to If no opposing comments are received, the principles will be considered agreed.

For information


The ELIXIR SAB held their summer TC today. As well as proving an opportunity to update the SAB on progress since the last meeting, topics on the agenda include review of the ELIXIR Node application of Ireland, discussion around proposed priorities for 2018 and the next ELIXIR Scientific Programme (2019-2023). A full report will follow.

Minutes from the ELIXIR HoNs retreat

The minutes from the ELIXIR HoNs retreat can now be found on google drive.

EOSC Pilot project request for nominations for its External Advisory Board.

The EOSC Pilot project seeks nominations for its External Advisory Board. This is a good opportunity to influence the overall direction of EOSC and so we would very much like to put forward strong suggestions of a senior and influential scientist from the life sciences. Niklas would welcome your thoughts on this.

CORBEL Mid Term Review Update

The CORBEL Mid Term Review took place on Thursday last week in Brussels. In summary, the meeting went very well and the reviewer was 'impressed' with the outputs of Work Packages in the first reporting period!

Below is a direct summary of the evaluator's feedback for each Work Package:

  • WP2 (Outreach): Most important WP! Even though more users are needed in the long run, the growth so far is OK in relation to the status of the project
  • WP3 (Use cases medicine): Good use cases chosen, state of the art, but what's next? Focus on standardisation
  • WP4 (Use cases biology): Good use cases/good work! Impressive uptake of the Open Call; one application to get access to multiple RIs is exactly what is needed! Next Open Call should try to get projects from Industry in addition/cooperation with WP8
  • WP5 (User access): Had to deal with the greatest mess, diversity of regulatory frameworks! Good job so far
  • WP6 (Data management): Quote Helen: "particularly impressive, thinks building on ELIXIR which has resulted in good progress. What has been done is a model for what should be done around the world for integrated analyses and he applauds the team. There are huge open problems - don't know if can solve them all, but you recognise problems out there. Also that you don't subscribe to the 'need to invent it here model' is good. Little doubt will be successful and have made great progress. Applaud efforts to work with CDISC if you can in future to work with clinical data."
  • WP7 (ELSI) + WP8 (Innovation): Addressing problems of different standards/models, collecting and bench marking extremely helpful for end users! Next step implementation/use surveys done! Help desk has a great potential
  • WP9 (Training ): Very good progress! Training is essential.
  • WP1 ( Project Management): Perfect! Always good to have a really professional project management!

Overall: The long term vision doesn't seem to be quite agreed upon; does it need to be a concierge service as provided for the applicants in the Open Call or can the process become more automated in the long run?

From the EC side: All fine! For the future there might be some additional funding for Trans-National Access. The official report will be available in due course.

More information about CORBEL can be found on the CORBEL Website.

Key dates and meetings


Heads of Node meeting (to review the 2018 Work Plan and Budget)

  • 13 September 2017, Basel, Switzerland

Heads of Node TC

  • 5 December 2017, 13.00 - 16.00 UK time/14.00 - 17.00 CET


Heads of Node TC

  • 2 March 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET

Heads of Nodes meeting @ ELIXIR All Hands

  • 6-7 June 2018, Berlin, Germany

Heads of Nodes meeting @ ECCB 2018

  • to be held alongside ECCB conference taking place 9-12 September 2018 in Athens, Greece. Time/date TBC.

Heads of Node TC

  • 7 December 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET