Key Contributors Update 3 July 2015

Action items

Ensure the signed EXCELERATE Consortium Agreement for your Node is returned to us by 10 July.* Review the draft agenda for the ELIXIR HoN/EXCELRATE Work Package Leaders meeting (…) in September and let Niklas know ( if you have any feedback or suggestions for additional breakout sessions by 31st of July 2015.

EXCELERATE preparations and timeline

The final version of the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Consortium Agreement will be circulated to partners for signing shortly. Partners are asked to return the signed copy to the ELIXIR Hub by 10 July at the latest.A reminder that key dates for EXCELERATE and details of upcoming Work Package meetings, as they become available, will be added to the EXCELERATE project calendar (…) , to which you are welcome to subscribe. If you have any dates to add to the calendar please let us know ( .Following on from last weeks update, an example of the use of the EXCELERATE acknowledgment is now available on the ELIXIR website (pdf) (http://[embed link to… ] )If you have any questions on the branding, please contact: ( .

Draft agenda for HoN/EXCELERATE work package leaders meeting, 2-3 September 2015

A draft agenda for the ELIXIR HoN/EXCELERATE WP Leader meeting can now be found here (…) .If you have any feedback on the draft agenda or suggestions for additional breakout sessions please let Niklas know ( by 31st of July.

Minutes for HoN TC

A reminder that the minutes from the ELIXIR HoNs TC held 4 June 2015 can be found here (…) .If you have any comments to raise regarding the minutes please let us know by the end of today.

Research Data Alliance - comment on 'Paris' paper and Use Cases

We have been asked by RDA to disseminate the following documents, which came out of the Amsterdam meeting on RDA and ESFRIs attended by Bengt and Rob. If anyone is interested in commenting on them individually please do so directly via the links below.Please, comment on the 'Paris' paper (…) by using the Data Fabric Wiki (…) to ensure that your views will be considered in the coming discussion on further steps. You can write statements directly or upload notes.A list of submitted Use Cases and possibility to submit further use cases can be found here (…) . Please, add Use Cases to the Data Fabric wiki to ensure that your work will be integrated in designing the components landscape. A template for submitting use cases can be found here (…)

ELIXIR response to IMI consultation

ELIXIR recently submitted a response to the Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) consultation on Big Data for Better Outcomes. A copy of the response can be found here (…) .

Collaboration with ISBE

The Hub recently had a useful meeting with the coordinator of ISBE ( about possible forms of collaboration. The purpose of the call was to have a first discussion on the areas and form of collaboration between the two infrastructures, given the potential for overlap that exists. ISBE has a project meeting coming up in mid-July, at which they will discuss with partners, and following this ELIXIR will discuss the proposal with HoN in September. At this stage, if you are involved in national discussions between your ELIXIR Node and ISBE, please let Andy Smith know ( . We note the first discussion within the ELIXIR Training Coordinators Group on the subject of ISBE.

ELIXIR Galaxy Working Group questionnaire

The ELIXIR Galaxy Working Group has launched an online survey to learn more about how the Galaxy platform is used across the ELIXIR infrastructure and beyond. It is intended for IT experts and developers maintaining and developing Galaxy services. Any Galaxy administrator or developer is invited to take part.Go to the online survey ( survey results will feed into a set of recommendations on the ELIXIR technical strategy with regards to the provision of Galaxy services and infrastructure.The deadline to complete the survey is 7 July 2015 at 12.00 (noon) BST. The initial results will be discussed and presented at the TGAC face-2-face Galaxy workshop, during the upcoming Galaxy conference (6-8 July 2015 in Norwich, UK).Please ensure this information is circulated to relevant contacts within your Node.News from the ELIXIR Nodes

New Head of Node for ELIXIR-Portugal

This week we have received official notification that the FCT has accepted the nomination of Prof. Arlindo Oliveira as new Head of the Portuguese node of ELIXIR, in replacement of Dr. José Pereira Leal, who has decided to step down as Head of Node.José will keep his role as coordinator of the national bioinformatics RI present in the National Roadmap, ( and ensure a smooth transition to the new Head of Node. We wish him all the best for the future.

Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates

HoN and EXCELERATE WP leads meeting (2-3 Sept)

ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct)

Symposium: Open bridges for life science data, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov) (…)

CORBEL Kick off meeting (19 Nov)

ELIXIR SAB/EXCELERATE kick off meeting (8-10 Dec)

ELIXIR all-hands meeting (8-9 Mar 2016)

Information on upcoming TrCG meetings can be found here (…)