Key Contributors Update 26 June 2015

Action items

Send us the lists of people involved in your platform/WPs for inclusion on the ELIXIR mailing lists or ensure they are subscribed via the links below.* Ensure that you are ready to sign the EXCELRATE Consortium Agreement as soon as possible after it is circulated on 3 July.This update covers the following items:1. EXCELERATE preparations and timeline2. EXCELERATE work package preparations3. EXCELERATE and CORBEL calendars4. NEW Platform and Communities mailing lists5. Acknowledging EXCELERATE and ELIXIR branding6. Minutes for HoN TC7. Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates

EXCELERATE preparations and timeline

We are currently still in the process of finalising Grant Agreement details with the Commission. The response to the Ethics Requirements was approved, but there are remaining questions on some Linked Third Parties. We are contacting partners directly for information as necessary.Timeline03 July final version of the Consortium Agreement distributed10 July signed Consortium Agreement back from partners16 July Signature of the EXCELERATE Grant Agreement (Hub, Commission)01 September project start02-03 September HoN/EXCELERATE work package leaders meetingPlease contact ( with any questions.

EXCELERATE work package preparations

Various work packages are already in the process of organising preparatory meetings.Where available, we will include the dates in the EXCELERATE project calendar (see next item). Please contact the work package leaders for details or any questions.The ELIXIR Compute platform will have a kick of meeting on September 1st at the Novotel in Heathrow (UK). If you are involved in activities within the Compute please mark this down in your calendar and add register by including your name in the following document:


Both EXCELERATE (…) and CORBEL (…) have project calendars available for people to subscribe to. We will add all project-related meetings/workshops and other key dates as far as we have them. If you have any dates to add to these calendars please let us know ( .

NEW Platform and Communities mailing lists

The following mailing lists have now been set up for communication within the ELIXIR platforms and communities. To ensure alignment of efforts and maximise participation, the mailing lists include the EXCELERATE WPs and other relevant activities.The mailing lists reflect the different areas of activity of ELIXIR.Please circulate this information to contacts within your Node in order to help ensure we have the relevant people subscribed to the various mailing lists.Alternatively, if you already have a list of people you would like adding to specific lists, please send them to (…) .In addition to the leadership teams for each of the platforms and the EXCELERATE work package leaders, those people involved in the relevant Technical Task Forces have now been moved to the corresponding lists. The previous task force mailing lists will now be closed.For the ELIXIR ( ( ( ( ( for the ELIXIR ( ( ( ( ( ( ( lists will be open for subscription to all interested parties both internally and externally (e.g. CORBEL WP6 project partners. However, at least initially subscription will be moderated by the ELIXIR Hub.

Acknowledging EXCELERATE and ELIXIR branding

While there is no need to acknowledge ELIXIR-EXCELERATE funding before the project start on September 1, you may in some cases already be preparing e.g. posters that you are planning to reuse throughout the project. The information below is provided only for these cases.The default is to use ELIXIR branding. In general, the EXCELERATE logo should never replace the ELIXIR logo, but the EXCELERATE logo should be used if there is a need to distinguish between different funding streams. For example, if you are preparing a poster on EXCELERATE results or results from EXCELERATE and other activities, you would still use the ELIXIR poster template and just add the respective logos in the main body of the poster itself, together with an acknowledgement of the EC funding at the bottom.The correct acknowledgement text is available here ( .We are also working on the EXCELERATE slides that you can include in your presentations.If you have any questions on the branding, please contact: (mailto:) .

Minutes for HoN TC

A reminder that the minutes from the ELIXIR HoNs TC held 4 June 2015 can now be found here (…) .If you have any comments to raise regarding the minutes please let us know by next Friday 3rd of July.

Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates

HoN and EXCELERATE WP leads meeting (2-3 Sept)

ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct)

Symposium: Open bridges for life science data, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov) (…)

CORBEL Kick off meeting (19 Nov)

ELIXIR SAB/EXCELERATE kick off meeting (8-10 Dec)

ELIXIR all-hands meeting (8-9 Mar 2016)

Information on upcoming TrCG meetings can be found here (…)