Key Contributors Update, 24 May 2024

For Information

Summary of the ELIXIR Heads of Nodes Retreat, 15-16 May 2024

We would like to thank Heads of Nodes for joining us last week in Prague for the annual ELIXIR Heads of Nodes Retreat. Heads of Nodes engaged in several discussions, including topics such as the division of responsibilities / work between the Hub and Nodes, communication by ELIXIR with stakeholders and the challenges around funding and participation in EC projects. Additional discussions took place on the highlights and impact of the 2019-23 Programme and forward-looking plans for external collaborations with other initiatives during the current 2024-2028 Programme.

The discussions included the following feedback / outcomes:

  • The optimisation of the role of Heads of Nodes in developing ELIXIRs scientific strategy;

  • The streamlining of meetings across the domains, as well as ensuring stronger connections between ELIXIR Platforms & Communities. The need to clarify the objectives of Platforms was also emphasised;

  • The strengthening of collaborations with other ESFRIs and future EDICs

  • Improving communication about participation of national partners in EC projects;

  • Request to the Hub to support Nodes in responding to requests from national governments on ELIXIR involvement / European activities;

  • The Nodes welcomed the establishment of ELSI expertise in the Hub. The Hub was tasked with updating the ELSI policy and reaching out to Nodes to gain an understanding of existing expertise across ELIXIR;

  • 2019-23 Programme: concerns were raised regarding the growth of ELIXIR Communities portfolio workload and expectations, against limited funding, which would need to be managed. Optimising the role of Communities in the ELIXIR infrastructure provision was underlined.

  • 2024-28 Programme: positive feedback was provided on the shift to fewer but larger Commissioned Services (CoS). The limited funding previously available in Commissioned Services and the need to avoid Nodes having to support ELIXIR activities with in-kind contributions was highlighted.

  • The importance of ELIXIRs involvement in the EOSC in the future, including considering the best way of engaging in future via EOSC Nodes.

  • The challenges regarding infrastructure funding for ELIXIR Nodes and the importance of building support for national funding for ELIXIR Nodes;

  • The participation of ELIXIR in the Genome EDIC was encouraged given the relevant role ELIXIR plays in the implementation of the 1+MG Initiative.

  • ELIXIR STEERS project: update provided by Work Package leads highlighted the need to maximise synergies with related projects and the ELIXIR Scientific Programme 2024-28 to avoid duplication.

For questions about the meeting, please contact Jo Wingender (

Key Dates and Meetings

2024-28 Programme TC

20 June 2024 | 14:00-16:00 (CEST)

2024-28 Programme TC

18 July 2024 | 14:00-16:00 (CEST)

Heads of Nodes TC

12 September 2024 | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)