The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.
Action items
Registration for ELIXIR SAB meeting and arrangements for HoNs meetings in March 2017
A reminder to please register for the ELIXIR SAB meeting to be held in Rome, Italy on the 20 March 2017 if you plan to attend. The meeting will take place 12.00 - 18.00, followed by a social activity in the evening.
An agenda for this meeting can now be found here. Associated documents for the meeting will follow around 3 March.
ELIXIR HoNs are invited to join the SAB meeting via open invitation.
Please note a brief EXCELERATE HoNs meeting will also be held as part of this meeting (when the SAB meets in closed session, 17:00 - 18:00 on 20 March).
If you are not able to attend this meeting yourself, please nominate a representative to attend on your behalf.
An ELIXIR HoNs TC will also be held on Friday 17 March, 15.00-17.00 CET to cover non-EXCELERATE matters.
Agendas for these meetings will be made available around 3 March.
If you have not yet registered for the ELIXIR All Hands meeting taking place in Rome, on 21-23 March 2017, please register here.
ELIXIR Annual Report 2016 - Input from Nodes
A reminder that as in previous years, we will include a summary of activities in ELIXIR Nodes in the ELIXIR 2016 Annual report. To collect the content from the Nodes, we've prepared an online form, which HoNs are asked to fill in by 1 March 2017
For information
ELIXIR representative to attend RICHFIELDS workshop
A representative is sort to attend the second RICHFIELDS workshop to be held in Brussels on 4 April 2017. Richfields is the newly formed food infrastructure platform which resulted from EuroDISH, ESFRI project for food and nutrition. The meeting may be of interest if you have strong links to the field via your national node. ELIXIR would normally be represented by Chris Evelo (ELIXIR-Netherlands) who is unable to attend on this occasion. Contact us if you are interested in attending.
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Node TC
- 17 March 2017, 14.00-16.00 UK time/15.00-17.00 CET.
ELIXIR All Hands meeting
- 21-23 March 2017, Rome, Italy (preceded by ELIXIR SAB meeting, 20 March 2017 - to include EXCELERATE HoNs meeting 17:00-18:00)
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE midterm review
- 10 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium
ELIXIR Europe conference: Core Resources for a Data Economy
- 11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium
Heads of Node retreat
- 13 - 14 June 2017, Woking, UK
Heads of Node meeting (to review the 2018 Work Plan and Budget)
- 13 September 2017, Date and location TBC
Heads of Node TC
- 5 December 2017, 13.00 - 16.00 UK time/14.00 - 17.00 CET