Action items
All HoNs to review the agenda for the upcoming ELIXIR HoN teleconference (to be held 4 June 2015) (…) and associated documents (…) , and let Niklas ( know if you have any additional items to raise by May 28.* Platform leaders to complete a slide template (…) for their platform and return it to by June 1Ongoing activities
Documents now available for TC, 4 June 2015 09:00-12:00 BST, 10:00-13:00 CEST
The following documents (…) for the HoNs TC on 4th Jun (…) are now available to HoNs for review :
* ELIXIRHON/2015/4: Report from the ELIXIR all-hands meeting, March 2015
* ELIXIRHON/2015/5: ELIXIR Web Policy* ELIXIRHON/2015/6: Proposal for Operational Responsibilities within ELIXIR
* ELIXIRHON/2015/7: ELIXIR TeCG/TrCG guidelines documentIn addition, platform leaders are requested to complete a slide template (…) for their platform and return it to by June 1 in order that the updates can be reviewed and combined into one presentation to be given on the day.'
ELIXIRHON/2015/8 - Proposal for Galaxy working group' is still undergoing preparation and will be made available shortly.Any additions to the agenda for the meeting (ELIXIRHON/2015/3) (…) should be sent to Niklas Blomberg ( by 28 May at the latest.
Update from ELIXIR TrCG monthly VC held 13th of May
Candidacy for TrCG Chair: Rita Hendricusdottir will stay as the chair for the next period. TrCG will submit two training activities to the Hub in this week:
1. Training activity GOBLET - ELIXIR: This training activity will be the first joint activity for GOBLET and ELIXIR since the publication of our joint strategy. We will organize two day workshop within an ELIXIR node to work on the curation of a set of metagenomics training materials to ensure its reusability.
2. To strengthen node2node collaboration and knowledge sharing: Organise a workshop to provide an overview of e-learning systems used inside and outside ELIXIR, to compare them, to define a common ELIXIR e-learning language and strategy, and provide recommendations for e-learning systems to be adopted in EXCELERATE WP11.
A second event of the Data and Software carpentry workshop (…) / hackathon (…) will be hosted by the Dutch Node between 22nd and 25th June 2015.(HoNs are asked to help ensure these events are brought to the attention of relevant staff within their Nodes. Funding is available to support participation of one representative from each ELIXIR Node in the hackathon (…) , with the aim of having participants from all ELIXIR Nodes taking part. The workshop ( is aimed at researchers in the life sciences at all career stages and is designed for learners with little to no prior knowledge of programming, shell scripting, or command line tools. HoNs should contact their TrC if they have any questions)The TeSS team is organising a TeSS meeting 1 June in London. This meeting is for TrCG/TeCG and other people involved to discuss the TeSS Development Roadmap further.The poster entitled 'The ELIXIR Training Coordination Group: Harmonising training provision across Europe', has been accepted to the ISMB/ECCB 2015 conference.Full minutes from can be found here (…) .
Posts at the ELIXIR Hub
The ELIXIR Hub is currently hiring four posts:* Web Developer* Project Manager (CORBEL)* Personal Assistant to the ELIXIR Director* Administrative AssistantFull details of all posts are available on the ELIXIR vacancies page (…) .Upcoming events and opportunities which may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes
Human Brain Project: Call for Expressions of Interest on Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience
The Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship Human Brain Project has launched a Call for Expressions of Interest to identify partners who will join the project's next phase, funded under Horizon 2020.More information about the call can be found on the Human Brain Project website ( .
Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates
HoN teleconference (4 June, 09:00-12:00 BST, 10:00-13:00 CEST) (…)
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event, Basel, Switzerland (9 June) (…)
ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry Hackathon (…) and Data Carpentry Workshop (…) , Utrecht, The Netherlands (22-25 June)
HoN and EXCELERATE WP leads meeting (2-3 Sept)
ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct)
Symposium: Open bridges for life science data, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov) (…)
ELIXIR SAB/EXCELERATE kick off meeting (8-10 Dec)
ELIXIR all-hands meeting (8-9 Mar 2016)Information on upcoming TrCG meetings can be found here (…)