Key Contributors Update 19 December 2014

Action items

  • Indicate your attendance at the ELIXIR all-hands meeting to be held in Hinxton 30-31 March 2015You will have received this week an invitation to the above meeting. Areminder to please indicate your intention to attend this meeting> by Friday 9 January'
  • Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  • Look out for our next update on Friday 9 January 2015.

For information


A final TC to discuss the application will be held 7 January 2015, 13:00 - 15:00 UK time.In the meantime, the ELIXIR Hub and Scientific Network Management will continue to review and finesse the proposal, contacting individual groups for further information if required.

Feedback from ELIXIR SAB meeting, 9-10 December 2014

The general overview report from the meeting and reports on individual Nodes presented for review at the meeting are currently being finalised by the ELIXIR SAB and are expected to be made available shortly.Reports on individual Nodes presented for review will be sent to the relevant Heads of Nodes for their consideration. The overview report will be made available to all Heads of Nodes.Feedback from the ELIXIR SAB on the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE proposal (…) with points for consideration has already been provided.

3rd and 4th Calls for proposals under IMI 2 launched

IMI has now launched its 3rd and 4th Calls for proposals under IMI 2.Call 3 will include six Research and Innovation Action (RIA) topics:

Remote assessment of disease and relapse (RADAR), topic 1: central nervous system (CNS)

* Assessing risk and progression of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes to enable disease modification

* Linking clinical neuropsychiatry and quantitative neurobiology

* The consistency approach to quality control in vaccine manufacture

* Pertussis vaccination research

* Knowledge repository to enable patient focused medicine development

Deadline for submitting proposals under Call 3 is: 24 March 2015 - 17:00 CET (Brussels time). Call 4 will include one Coordination and Support Action (CSA):

* Enabling platform on medicines adaptive pathway to patients

Deadline for submitting proposals under Call 4 is: 11 February 2015 - 17:00 CET (Brussels time). The Call text, as well as details of how to apply, can be found on the Call web pages:Call 3 stage 1 page: 4 stage 1 page:

From 17 December 2014 to 23 January 2015 IMI will hold webinars on each Call topic and on IMI 2 rules and procedures. For more information and to register please visit the webinar page ( .You can find partners for submitting a proposal via the Partner Search Tool ( .The Call for proposals represents an excellent opportunity for researchers to take part in ground-breaking collaborative projects that aim to deliver tangible benefits for patients. Scientists from academia, industry, SMEs, medium-sized companies, hospitals and patients' organisations are invited to get involved in the projects.More information about IMI and the Calls for proposals can be found on the IMI website ( .

NIH identifiers workshop, 14 January 2015

ELIXIR is holding a Research Object Identifier (ROI) Workshop co-organised with the NIH at London Heathrow Airport on 14 January 2015. The workshop agenda is available (…) and will include talks by experts to demonstrate current best practices and a breakout session to identify challenging areas and proposals for shared implementation. The workshop aims to systematically map the State of the Art and agree on strategies for data / research object identifiers and develop a white paper for community and expert consultation. The Heads of Nodes will be asked to comment and contribute on the white paper before publication later in 2015. Please contact us for more information.

"Big Data Research" Information Day, 16 January 2015

The EC is holding an information day on H2020 funding of "Big Data Research" ( in Brussels on Friday 16 January. Registration is on the first-come-first-serve basis and the closing date is Thursday 8 January 2015.More information about the event and link to the registration page can be found here. (…)

Innovation and SME Forum - Data-driven innovation in the agri-food industries

Registration for the next Innovation and SME event, which will take place in Wageningen, Netherlands on 18 - 19 March 2015 is now open.More information the event and the link to the registration page can be found here:… forward this information on to your industry contacts, and consider attending if your Node is interested in plant sciences, livestock and food.

NIH Frameworks for Community-based Standards Efforts Workshop Report Released

The report generated as a result of the NIH BD2K workshop "Frameworks for Community-based Standards Efforts", held last year has been released.The workshop aimed at gaining a clearer understanding of the community-based data and metadata standards efforts, in particular, and how NIH might best relate to them. In this report the authors, who are the lead organizers and co-chairs, elaborate on the findings and indicate future directions.In conjunction with related efforts already under way at NIH, including the development of a Data Discovery Index Consortium (bioCADDIE:, the final document will assist the NIH Office of the Associate Director (ADDS) to help move forward the NIH BD2K vision on how data, metadata and other digital research products can interact and work with each other.Users, software developers and publishers are invited to review the report and post comments by January 20, 2015.The link to the report is:

ELIXIR literature and branded merchandise

Just a reminder that the ELIXIR Hub carries a stock of ELIXIR literature and branded merchandise available to ELIXIR Nodes, please do let us if you would like materials sending out to you for distribution within your Nodes and at your local events.Requests should be sent to: (…)

Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates

5th TC for INFRADEV-3 (7 Jan 15, 13:00 - 15:00 UK time)

HoN teleconference (4 Feb 15, 13:00-16:00 UK time)

ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event, Wageningen, Netherlands (18-19 Mar 15)

ELIXIR 'all-hands' meeting, Hinxton (30 - 31 Mar 15)