Action items
From last week's update:
Review the proposed ELIXIR - GOBLET strategy (… provide any feedback you have to us by end of today.Ongoing activities
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE proposal approved
We were delighted to announce to you earlier this week the news that ELIXIR-EXCELERATE has now been approved by the EC and we are now ready to move on to preparation of the Grant Agreement, with the aim of starting the project later this year.We'll be in touch early next week regarding the next steps and plans for communicating the news outside of ELIXIR.A Heads of Nodes & EXCELERATE WP leads meeting has now been confirmed for 2-3 September 2015 (Replacing the HoNs meeting that was to be held in Hinxton on 21 October). The location for this meeting will be advised in due course.Thank you once again for all your efforts in putting this together.
Minutes from the ELIXIR Heads of Nodes meeting at the all-hands
The minutes from the ELIXIR Heads of Nodes meeting at the all-hands are now available here (…) . If you have any comments to raise please let us know within a period of two weeks.
ELIXIR Board meeting
It was good to see many of you in Geneva earlier this week for the ELIXIR Board meeting, hosted by Switzerland and SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.We would like to thank our hosts for a fantastic meeting.Minutes from the meeting will be made available in due course.In the meantime, a summary of the outcomes from the meeting and pictures of the world famous Jet d'Eau fountain, which the SIB arranged to be turned orange for the purpose of the meeting, are available via the ELIXIR website (…) .Key points include:* Approval of the ELIXIR Norway Collaboration Agreement* Plans to appoint additional ELIXIR SAB members with ethics expertise* Approval of the ELIXIR Annual Report for 2014* Discussion of plans for ELIXIR 'Commissioned Services' in 2016
Report from BYOD event now available
The report from the second ELIXIR Bring Your Own Data event, focused on Rare Disease Registries and Biobanks held in Rome, November 2014 can now be found here (…) .
Next ELIXIR Software and Data Carpentry Pilot event
A second event in the ELIXIR Software and Data Carpentry Pilot will be hosted by the Dutch Node in Utrecht, The Netherlands between 22nd and 25th June 2015.The event will consist of:- a two-day introduction to Data and Software Carpentry and ahackathon for developing training materials: a two-day Data Carpentry workshop: would be good to see representatives from each Node attending.Anyone interested in taking part in the hackathon is asked to contact Aleksandra Nenadic ( .The recording from the webinar on ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry activities presented this week by Aleksandra Pawlik (ELIXIR-UK), as part of the ongoing ELIXIR Webinar series ( can be found here (…) .
Plans for ISMB/ECCB 2015
Just a reminder that ELIXIR plans to have a big presence at this years ISMB/ECCB conference to be held in Dublin, Ireland, 10-14 July 2015 ( , with an exhibition booth and a 'special session' co-hosted with the National Institute of Health's Big Data to Knowledge initiative (NIH BD2K), ( examining the relationship between our two initiatives though a number of presentations and opportunity for discussion (taking place on Monday 13th of July, 14:00-15:00).We would be interest to hear from anyone interested in helping us out at the conference and will be in touch with further details in due course.
Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates
ELIXIR Finland launch event ( (4 May 15)
HoN teleconference (4 Jun 15, 09:00-12:00 BST, 10:00-13:00 CEST)
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum event, Basel, Switzerland (9 June 15) (…)
HoN and EXCELERATE WP leads meeting (2-3 Sept 15)
ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct 15)
Symposium: Open bridges for life science data, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov 15) (…)
Information on upcoming TeCG meetings can be found here (…). Information on upcoming TrCG meetings can be found here (…)