Key Contributors Update 12 June 2015

Action items

From last week's update:- Complete doodle ( to find an optimal date for the Capacity building workshop by end of today- Complete Capacity building template (…) by 21 June (acquirer Nodes only).- Sign up (…) to help out at the ELIXIR booth at ISMB/ECCB by 30 June.Ongoing activities

Agenda for the ELIXIR SAB summer TC

The ELIXIR SAB will hold their summer TC next Thursday 18 June.The main purpose of the meeting will be to update the SAB on progress since the last meeting, discuss proposed priorities for 2016 and gain input from the SAB on areas for consideration, which will be used to feed into discussion at the ELIXIR HoNs/EXCELERATE WP leaders meeting on 2-3rd September.The full agenda for the meeting can be found here (…) .

Preparations for EXCELERATE: Update

The revised Grant Agreement addressing various comments made by the Commission has been submitted this afternoon. Very detailed questions were asked especially about the status and contributions of Third Parties (linked and unlinked). In addition, a (late) Ethics Review was received, which gave EXCELERATE a conditional clearance, meaning that all requirements must be addressed before Grant Agreement signature. The review provided the opportunity to take stock of the progress made with respect to an ELIXIR Ethics Policy as required by the ECA, and a specific deliverable on this was added to EXCELERATE.Comments on the first draft of the Consortium Agreement are being evaluated and a second version will be distributed on 17 June, for further comments to be received back by 26 June. The final version of the Consortium Agreement will be distributed on 3 July, for signed agreements to be returned to the hub by 10 July (to be complete before Grant Agreement signature by 16 July).

ELIXIR response to EFPIA Big Data consultation

EFPIA is currently running a consultation on Big Data for Better Outcomes.Further details are available here (…) .ELIXIR will submit a response to this, highlighting in particular the role of a 'European Distributed Data Node Network', which is referenced as an area under consideration for possible future IMI topics. The response will also reference other ELIXIR developments of relevant to IMI, such as current collaboration between ELIXIR partners on IMI grants and future activities under ELIXIR-EXCELERATE.Deadline for written submissions is 25 June. A stakeholder event takes place in Brussels on 15 June. Please let Andy Smith know of any comments you have or if you are attending the stakeholder event.

Connect to ELIXIR on LinkedIn

ELIXIR's LinkedIn page is at: will primarily be used for posting job ads and industry related news from across ELIXIR. Please connect to this and send any news or links you would like us to post to it to Premysl Velek ( (…) ).

Slides from ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum in Basel

ELIXIR Switzerland hosted the latest Innovation and SME Forum this week as part of the BC2 conference ( . The successful event sawover 70 participants attend, with a series of talks from SIB group leaders and local companies active in the pharma and biotech industry.The slides from the day are available here (…) .Our thanks again to SIB and BC2 for hosting the event.

Vacancy at the ELIXIR Hub

The ELIXIR Hub is currently hiring for the post of:

Web Developer

Full details can be found on the ELIXIR vacancies page (…) .

Upcoming events and opportunities which may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes:

ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry Workshop and Hackathon, Utrecht, Netherlands, 22-25 June 2015

A second ELIXIR Data and Software carpentry workshop (…) / hackathon (…) event will be hosted by the Dutch Node between 22nd and 25th June 2015. HoNs are asked to help ensure these events are brought to the attention of relevant staff within their Nodes and contact their TrC if they have any questions.Funding is available to support participation of one representative from each ELIXIR Node in the hackathon (…) , with the aim of having participants from all ELIXIR Nodes taking part.

FET Open Day, Brussels, 6 July 2015

The EC is holding an Information day for the FET Open Horizon 2020 Calls. The event in Brussels will be useful for anyone planning applications to these bottom-up Calls within H2020:…

Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates

ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry Hackathon (…) and Data Carpentry Workshop (…) , Utrecht, The Netherlands (22-25 June)HoN and EXCELERATE WP leads meeting (2-3 Sept)ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct)Symposium: Open bridges for life science data, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov) (…)ELIXIR SAB/EXCELERATE kick off meeting (8-10 Dec)ELIXIR all-hands meeting (8-9 Mar 2016)Information on upcoming TrCG meetings can be found here (…)