Key Contributors Update 11 November 2016

The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.

Action items

From last week's update:

EXCELERATE milestone: review of equal opportunities across ELIXIR

This milestone is due in April 2017. In a first instance, it will likely consist of the following initial steps:

  • a brief review of Node (or Node-affiliated institute) equal opportunities policies and processes: are these available and, where they are, their key points
  • a brief definition of what "equal opportunities" should mean within ELIXIR
  • some basic recommendations on how to promote equal opportunities in ELIXIR
  • a plan for further work (such as, if appropriate, for example and overarching equal opportunities policy for ELIXIR)

If you yourself or your staff are interested in being involved in contributing to this milestone, please sign up to the ELIXIR equal opportunities group and mailing list.

For information

Minutes from HoNs teleconference, October 2016

The final minutes from the ELIXIR Heads of Nodes teleconference in October can now be found on google drive.

Commissioned Services Contracts for Implementation Studies agreed with Heads of Nodes at the teleconference will be sent to the ELIXIR Board for approval at the upcoming ELIXIR Board meeting to take place at Hinxton on 21-22 November 2016.

European Commission consultation on H2020 interim evaluation

ELIXIR will submit a response to the EC's interim evaluation of H2020. Details of the consultation are here.
The Hub will draft a first response to it by the 9th December and share with HoN for review until 16th December. The Hub will then finalise the response and submit ahead of the deadline in January 2017. Any immediate comments on this please contact

Bioschemas hands-on meeting

A Bioschemas hands-on meeting, was held this week at the Rothamsted Centre for Research & Enterprise, UK. Topics on the agenda included development of specifications, plans for building community engagement and facilitating implementation.

Webinar on process for selection of ELIXIR Core Data Resources

A second webinar on the process for the selection of ELIXIR Core Data Resources will take place at 15.00 CET on Monday in order to answer any questions from Nodes on what is expected from the submissions.

Key dates and meetings

Heads of Node teleconference

  • 8 December 2016, 9-12.00 UK time

Heads of Node meeting (to review submissions to the ELIXIR Core Data Resource Process)

  • 6 February 2017, Heathrow, UK

ELIXIR All Hands meeting

  • 21-23 March 2017, Rome, Italy (preceded by ELIXIR SAB meeting, 20 March 2017)

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE midterm review

  • 10 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium. Time and agenda TBC.

ELIXIR Policy event:

  • 11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium, Time and agenda TBC