Action items
Platform leads to fill in this survey (…) on resource needs in platforms & user communities in 2016 by 12 August and send back to ( .
From last weeks update:
* Ensure the signed EXCELERATE Consortium Agreement for your Node is returned to us by 16 July.
* Review the draft agenda for the ELIXIR HoN/EXCELRATE Work Package Leaders meeting (…) in September and let Niklas know ( if you have any feedback or suggestions for additional breakout sessions by 31st of July 2015.
Survey on resource needs in platforms & user communities in 2016
As discussed at the HoN's TC in June, we are currently preparing the 2016 workplan. We now ask each platform and user community to consider the need for core funding for 2016; are there critical activities that need to be delivered but that are not funded by EXCELERATE or other sources? Does your platform need project management/coordination support?To indicate the resource needs in your platform, we ask platform leads to fill in this survey (…) by 12 August and send back to ( .
Report from the ELIXIR SAB summer teleconference
The report from the ELIXIR SAB summer TC (…) is now available in the HoN area in google drive.The points raised in the report will be discussed in further detail at the HoNs/WPL meeting in September and the report presented to the ELIXIR Board for review at the ELIXIR Board meeting in October.
EXCELERATE preparations and timelines
The final version of the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Consortium Agreement has now been issued for signature. Partners are asked to ensure the signed agreement is returned to us by 16 July, as per the email from Stephanie Suhr dated 9th of June.
EXCELERATE web page now available via the ELIXIR website
To support you in presenting EXCELERATE, we have set up an initial web page with information about EXCELERATE that includes basic information about the project as well as a slide deck: overview of the ELIXIR mailing lists - which will be used for communication within EXCELERATE - is also available
Revised ELIXIR Slide Deck
A revised version of the full ELIXIR slide deck (…) , including new slides on ELIXIR-EXCELERATE and the ELIXIR platforms for use in your presentations, is now also available in the HoNs area in google drive.
Draft agenda for HoN/EXCELERATE work package leaders meeting, 2-3 September 2015
A reminder that a draft agenda for the ELIXIR HoN/EXCELERATE WP Leader meeting can now be found here (…) .If you have any feedback on the draft agenda or suggestions for additional breakout sessions please let Niklas know ( by 31st of July.
Minutes for HoN TC
The final version of the minutes from the ELIXIR HoNs TC held 4 June 2015 can be found here (…) . No comments were received on the draft minutes previously circulated.Upcoming events and opportunities which may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes
NSF/DMS and BD2K Partner to Encourage NEW Collaborations in Biomedical Data Science
The National Science Foundation's (NSF) Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS ( ), Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences and the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K ( ) Initiative are working together to support collaborations that build effective teams to tackle biomedical data science problems. NSF/DMS and NIH/BD2K are jointly sponsoring small one-year planning grants for new teams of investigators that include mathematicians, statisticians, and biomedical researchers.These planning grants aim to foster inter- and multi-disciplinary, exploratory collaborations by encouraging the submission of unsolicited proposals.Proposals will be accepted until August 6, 2015 in response to the Dear Colleague Letter: Unsolicited Proposals for Quantitative Approaches to Biomedical Big Data (QuBBD) posted at:
BioSB RNA- seq data analysis course (5^th edition)
BioSB and partner LUMC (part of ELIXIR Netherlands) are organizing a 3-day course on RNA-seq to take place on 7-9 September, 2015, in Leiden, The Netherlands, which may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes.More information about the course can be found here (http:// . ) .
Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates
HoN and EXCELERATE WP leads meeting (2-3 Sept)ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct)Symposium: Open bridges for life science data, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov) (…)CORBEL Kick off meeting (19 Nov)ELIXIR SAB/EXCELERATE kick off meeting (8-10 Dec)ELIXIR all-hands meeting (8-9 Mar 2016)Key dates for EXCELERATE including details of upcoming Work Package meetings will be added to the EXCELERATE project calendar (…) , as they become available. If you have any dates to add to the calendar please let us know ( .Information on upcoming TrCG meetings can be found here (…)