The first ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Capacity Building workshop in Genome Assembly and Annotation took place on 19-20 October 2015 in Uppsala. Hosted by ELIXIR Sweden, the meeting brought together 26 participants, representing 11 ELIXIR Nodes.
The programme wast dedicated to presenting and discussin the interests and needs in genome assembly and annotation across the Nodes and defining the work plan for 2016. In the first part, participants presented their Nodes and their capacity and interest in genome assebmly and annotation. The second part focused on some specific tasks to support information exchange and training within the group. The next meeting is scheduled in April 2016 in Barcelona, Spain.
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About Capacity Building and Node Development programme
The worskhop was part of the the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Capacity Building and Node Development programme. The main focus of the programme is information sharing and knowledge exchange between ELIXIR’s larger and more established Nodes and newer or smaller Nodes in less research-intensive areas of the EU. Part of the EXCELERATE project, the programme is led by ELIXIR Czech Republic and ELIXIR Sweden.