The ELIXIR Nodes in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway have joined up with NordForsk's Nordic eInfrastructure Collaboration to work on the ‘Tryggve’ project, a collaborative effort to manage and process sensitive biomedical data. An interview with Antti Pursula, the Tryggve Project Manager is available here.
The project will develop a Nordic platform for sensitive data in collaboration with national e-infrastructures, developing more simple, safer e-infrastructure services for researchers in the biological and medical sciences. Special focus will be in enabling authorised researchers to access sensitive data online across the Nordic countries in a secure environment.
The project will develop a Nordic platform for sensitive data in collaboration with national e-infrastructures, developing more simple, safer e-infrastructure services for researchers in the biological and medical sciences. Special focus will be in enabling authorised researchers to access sensitive data online across the Nordic countries in a secure environment.
Tryggve aims to develop the platform over a set of use cases including ‘Platform-as-a-service’ for biobanking, imaging, human genomics, industry collaboration and the Nordic Information for Action eScience Center (NIASC).