Certification for quality of CNAG genomic data

ELIXIR Spain's Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG, National Genome Analysis Centre) has been awarded ISO 17025:2005 certificate for its Next Generation Sequencing Platform. ISO 17025:2005 is an international standard for laboratories that specifies the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibrations.

The award underlines the high level of expertise and technical competence in the CNAG’s laboratories, and follows certification to ISO 9001:2008 standard for quality management.

"Both international standards are strategic tools that minimise errors, increase productivity and ensure CNAG meets the highest standards possible to fulfil the expectations of precision medicine", said Ivo Glynne Gut, Director of CNAG.

The accreditation was awarded to CNAG after a review by ENAC (Entitad Nacional de Acreditación) that covered quality of CNAG internal processes, data management, reporting, compliance requirements and others.

About CNAG

The National Genome Analysis Centre was created in 2009 with the mission to carry out projects in nucleic acid sequencing and analysis in collaboration with researchers from Catalonia, Spain, and from the international research community. It is a non-profit organisation funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Catalan Government. Since July 2015, CNAG is integrated with the Centre for Genomic Regulation.

CNAG is part of Spain's National Bioinformatics Institute, the Spanish Node of ELIXIR, and co-leads the ELIXIR's Rare diseases Use Case.

Read more on CNAG website: CNAG's unwavering commitment to continuous quality improvement.
