Interoperability Services for the Cloud

FAIRification for a large-scale life science research requires FAIRifying of all aspects: data, tools, standards, training, and hardware infrastructure. Cloud computing has emerged as a key infrastructure that calls for interoperability of softwares to facilitate data retrieval and processes that are dispersed across multiple sites.

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) programme (​​) is established in realisation of the large-scale cloud-based data integration. The Interoperability Platform mission aligns with EOSC terms of standardised best practices of implementation, and support of Interoperability tools in the Cloud.

The EIP Task 4 (Interoperability Services for the Cloud) identifies the requirements of the FAIR Service Infrastructure that will also fit the Cloud computing environment. EOSC EDMI compliant and the support for inter-catalogue metadata exchange and EOSC e-Infrastructure services will be explored for deployment in contingency to EOSC-Life discussion.

Aim: To establish the need for cloud deployed instances of individual RIRs (Recommended Interoperability Resources) through consultation with ELIXIR Communities and through established use cases; perform cost benefit analysis for each such RIR and evaluate the landscape and extent of the current cloud-enabled interoperability resources.

The landscape survey of service and gap analysis of cloud and non-cloud Interoperability services will identify the ​‘glue’​ activities needed to facilitate or support those existing services (process improvements for robustness, or to improve their cooperativity, etc).

This task will deliver a needs assessment and best-practice guidelines for cloud deployed services for the service consumers from ELIXIR Communities and use cases (in collaboration with the FAIR Service Architecture in Task 1 and Compute Platform). Where indicated, documentation of designing of a transition plan for cloud deployment of prioritised services identified in the needs assessment, and for new services appearing throughout the Programme will be provided, this is a critical task for the FAIR SA Task (Task 1).