Compatible Cloud Analysis Platform

We propose to reduce complexity for users by providing a Task Execution Platform (compatible with standards emerging from the GA4GH) that can encompass distributed sites in the ELIXIR Compute Platform with appropriate management interfaces that can abstract the user away from some of this complexity. Experience has shown that the acquisition and access of cloud resources can have a high overhead for end-users, e.g. finding the ‘right’ cloud service provider, negotiating or paying for access, porting your application to that cloud service provider etc.

This Implementation Study will contribute to the GA4GH Cloud WG specification discussions and ensure ELIXIR AAI is compatible with these GA4GH specifications and is integrated into the ‘Toil’ framework .The Study will deploy the GA4GH compatible ‘Toil’ framework centrally and TES endpoints at sites within the ECP, and operate analysis platform as a prototype service to a set of science use cases who are willing to provide CWL coordinated containerised task based workflows.

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