GROMACS hackathon 2016


Barcelona Supercomputing Center
c/ Jordi Girona, 29
08034 Barcelona

Get together with core GROMACS developers from around the world to hack together on code! Bring your own laptop and coding problem – new integrator, fancy free-energy method, cool analysis tool, automated parameterizer, workflow implementation, meta-dynamics driver, tricky bug to fix, API design question, etc. Be ready to ask and answer questions with the gurus, and come away with new code running, progressed or well planned!

Students, postdocs, PIs, power users are all most welcome – but we’re going to focus on writing and fixing the code that interests you.

There will be no scientific presentations or user tutorials. We may break out into subgroups that align with the interests of the attendees we have, perhaps to discuss things like simulation method development, API design, training needs, code testing, etc.
Attendance is free and open, but we’d like to know who’s coming, so we can prepare well. Our room is limited to 30 people, so do let us know if you’re coming!

The hackathon is part of a week-long BioExcel activity in Barcelona, directly after the hackathon there will be a 2-day training course on using workflows in computational biomolecular research. See event details here, this event is also free to attend but a selection process applies.

For more information and how to register visit: