Kendrew Lecture Theatre
Wellcome Genome Campus
EBI South
United Kingdom

The agenda includes:
- Introduction to FAIRplus
- Guidelines for making data FAIR
- Hands-on session on FAIRification
- Flash Talks
- 'A FAIR History and Future' by Carol Goble
Who should attend:
- Biotech companies owning data potentially in need of FAIRification
- Technology companies who are planning to provide FAIRification services
- Academic groups interested in FAIRification for their data collections
The Kendrew Lecture Theatre
Wellcome Genome Campus
Hinxton, Cambridgeshire
CB10 1SD, UK
More details on how to find us including travelling by car or train can be found on our website.
On campus Conference Centre - A limited number of bedrooms are being held at the Conference Centre on campus. These are issued on first-come-first serve basis. The cost is £102 with payment due on check out. To book your room, please contact: 01223 495000 quoting REFERENCE NO: 17427
Off campus Holiday Inn - A limited number of bedrooms are being held at the Holiday Inn, Whittlesford till 1 December. There is a limited capacity bus to campus, alternatively, you will need to arrange a taxi to get to campus. Rooms are issued on first-come-first serve basis. The Cost is £120 with payment due on check out. To book, please contact: 01223 497070 quoting REFERENCE NO: ELI