ELIXIR Webinar

The first event of the new 'ELIXIR webinar' series will take place on Wednesday 21st of January 2pm - 3pm UK time / 3 pm - 4pm CET,  hosted by ELIXIR Director Niklas Blomberg, providing a general introduction to ELIXIR, plans for the series and an update on ongoing activities.

If this is your first time using WebEx, we would suggest joining the meeting 10 minutes before the scheduled start time, in order to quickly install the relevant software and optimize the audio before the webinar starts.

The webinar series will then continue on a regular basis, at the same time every third Wednesday of each month (2pm UK time / 3 pm CET). A full schedule will be made available shortly and advertised via various channels including the all-at-nodes mailing list, twitter, the ELIXIR newsletter and ELIXIR home page. In the meantime please save the dates in your diary.