ELIXIR Slovenia Launch & 11th CFGBC Symposium: “Data For Life”


Cankarjev dom Ljubljana

ELIXIR Slovenia will be holding a launch event on September 20th 2016 at 1pm at Cankarjev dom Ljubljana (Štihova hall).

Invited speakers include representatives from the ELIXIR Hub, EC and ELIXIR Nodes who will present the importance of data for life sciences in biomedical research, industry and community in general, and ELIXIR-SI members will present their international and national projects.

This event will be followed on 21st September 2016 by the 11th CFGBC symposium with two keynote speakers, members of SAB CFGBC: dame Janet Thornton, a senior scientist and former director of European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) in UK, and Dr. Thomas Svensson, a manager of Genome bioinformatics platform at SciLifeLab in Sweden.

The symposium will continue with invited lectures and posters from researchers and members of CFGBC and ELIXIR-SI node featuring data in life sciences.

Both days of the meeting are free of admission, but registration is obligatory.