6 February 2020
Kendrew Lecture theatre, EMBL-EBI South Building

Join ELIXIR for a day of celebratory events marking our achievements over the past five years, and our plans for the future. We will be hosting a range of talks by world-class researchers from academia and industry, as well as offering you the chance to learn about what ELIXIR is and what we can do for you.

Most importantly, there will of course be exciting refreshments, activities, and goodies available throughout the event - delivering an invigorating burst of warm ELIXIR orange to an early February day!

09:30 Welcome coffee
10:00 Welcome and introduction
  Niklas Blomberg (Director, ELIXIR)
Serena Scollen (Head of Human Genomics and Translational Data, ELIXIR)

Keynote 1: "ELIXIR-UK: a distributed node with a common purpose", Neil Hall (ELIXIR UK Node; Director, Hall Group, Earlham Institute

ELIXIR Contact Niklas Blomberg

10:40 Session 1: An introduction to ELIXIR Platform activities

"Global Biodata Coalition", Chuck Cook (Program Manager, Global Biodata Coalition). 

ELIXIR Contact Rachel Drysdale.


"Intermine in collaboration with ELIXIR-IT/ & ELIXIR-FR", Daniela Butano (Intermine

ELIXIR Contact Sirarat Sarntivijai.


"ELIXIR Tools Platform and Galaxy Community", Björn Grüning (Head of Freiberg Galaxy Team, University of Freiburg

ELIXIR Contact Jennifer Harrow


"ELIXIR Compute Platform and Identity and Access Management", Michal Procházka
(Secure Digital Identities Group, Masaryk University) 

ELIXIR Contact Jonathan Tedds

12:00 Buffet lunch
13:00 Session 2: ELIXIR Partnerships
13:00 "ELIXIR:GA4GH Strategic Partnership", Rolf Apweiler (Director, EMBL-EBI)

"Federated Human Data", Ilkka Lappalainen (deputy head of the Finnish ELIXIR Node and lead of the Sensitive Data Services group, CSC

ELIXIR Contact Gary Saunders

13:40 Session 3: ELIXIR engagement

"Training and Skills development: resources from the ELIXIR’s Training Platform", Gabriella Rustici (Head of Bioinformatics Training, University of Cambridge

ELIXIR Contact Pascal Kahlem


"The Beacon Network - a discovery service for genomics data", Michael Baudis (Professor of Bioinformatics, Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich & Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics SIB; co-lead of the GA4GH Discovery Work Stream

ELIXIR Contact David Lloyd


Keynote 2: "Helping industry to leverage public resources to make data FAIR", Jane Lomax (Head of Ontologies, SciBite

ELIXIR Contact Katharina Lauer

14:45 Coffee and Tea
15:15 "The big vision for ELIXIR", Niklas Blomberg (Director, ELIXIR)
16:00 Finish