ELIXIR Interoperability Platform (EIP) All Hands meeting


VU University Amsterdam
1105 De Boelelaan
1081 HV Amsterdam

The ELIXIR Interoperability Platform All Hands Face2Face meeting.

The goal of this working meeting is to advance ELIXIR Interoperability Platform (EIP) activities, with a specific focus on the EXCELERATE and CORBEL projects. During the meeting we will work with the platform drivers (Nodes, global initiatives, use cases) to determine requirements for the improvement of existing services, standards and know-how capacity building. The meeting will work towards the development and promotion of interoperability products (standards, tools, services, resources, best practice) e in the areas of (but not limited to) data profiling, metadata content standards, ontologies, identifiers, linked data, API standards and workflows.

Dates: Tuesday 31 January at 11:00 to Thursday 2 February at 15:00

A draft outline of the meeting:

Day 1 - Flash Talk Updates and setting priorities (half day, starts at 11:00)
    Main flash talk areas:
        a) Interoperability Platform Implementation Studies
        b) Use cases with interoperability requirements
        c) Projects as defined in the Platform Roadmap
        d) External liaisons

Day 2 - Working in breakout groups. CORBEL, EXCELERATE, EIP Project groups, Use Cases

Day 3 - Finalising plans. Setting outcomes and reporting responsibilities for the Mid Term reviews of CORBEL and EXCELERATE.

Who should attend:

The meeting is invitation only. The meeting is primarily for ELIXIR partners with interoperability requirements or working in the areas of interoperability tools, services and resources. These include those partners affiliated with ELIXIR Nodes, the EXCELERATE project and the CORBEL project. We welcome input from interested 3rd parties specifically focused on interoperability activities. However, as this is a working meeting, if you would like to attend please indicate in the registration form how you would contribute to the platform.


Delegates will need to arrange their own accommodation for the meeting.

Suggestions for local hotels are as follows:


Participants will need to make their own arrangements to and from the meeting.

Information on reaching the venue can be found here.

Registration details can be found here.