Annual report 2016

The ELIXIR 2016 Annual Report highlights the major activities and achievements of ELIXIR in 2016.

ELIXIR continues to expand in 2016

The number of activities taking place in ELIXIR Nodes and across ELIXIR Platforms and Use Cases increased significantly. In 2016, ELIXIR started four new Implementation studies and successfully concluded five others, published nine research papers in its F1000R channel, and increased the content of three ELIXIR registries (TeSS for training, for bioinformatics tools and Biosharing for data policies). With five new members joining in 2016, ELIXIR also became the largest of all ESFRI research infrastructures in terms of direct membership by countries.

This rapid expansion is a clear indication of ELIXIR’s success, and confirms the widespread recognition of bioinformatics and data exploitation as a driving force in the life sciences.

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