ELIXIR participates in several EU-funded projects to drive the delivery of various bioinformatics services to the scientific community. The EU projects enable ELIXIR to collaborate with other key European and global initiatives and ESFRI Research Infrastructures and e-Infrastructures. This page lists the projects that involve the ELIXIR Hub. The ELIXIR Nodes may be involved in other EU projects in their own capacity.
We offer guidance on How to publish ELIXIR-related work and on How to acknowledge ELIXIR funding and support.
Current projects
AgroServ (2022–2027)
The AgroServ project will study how to achieve a resilient and sustainable agrifood system. This transdisciplinary project will bring together all actors of the agriculture system. Farmers are the first, thanks to a wide offer of living labs across Europe. By delivering a Europe-wide data ecosystem, AgroServ aims to grow the agroecology research community and support the cross-fertilisation of knowledge.
More information: EC project page
Grant number: 101058020
Beyond 1 Million Genomes plus (2025–2028)
The B1MGplus project supports the 1+ Million Genomes (1+MG) initiative by helping 23 EU countries and Norway build a federated European genomics data infrastructure for secure cross-border access to genomic and clinical data. It aims to scale up and sustain the initiative by integrating genomics into healthcare, informing public health policy and establishing guidelines for metadata standards and data quality assurance.
Grant number: 101194865

Biodiversity Genomics Europe (2022–2026)
BGE is tackling three fundamental tasks: improving the capacity, production and application of biodiversity genomics in Europe.
More information: Biodiversity Genomics Europe website
Grant number: 101059492
canServ (2022–2025)
canSERV provides cutting edge, interdisciplinary and customised oncology services across the entire cancer continuum. The aim is to offer a comprehensive portfolio of oncology-related research services available to all scientists in EU member countries, associated countries and beyond. The project unites a multidisciplinary consortium of 19 European partners, consisting of Research Infrastructures, key organisations in the field of oncology, project management and sustainability experts.
More information: canSERV website
Grant number: 101058620
ELIXIR-STEERS (2024–2027)
ELIXIR-STEERS aims to help life science researchers to access national data sets and conduct large-scale, cross-border analysis of data from across Europe.
More information: ELIXIR-STEERS pages
Grant number: 101131096

EOSC4Cancer (2022–2025)
EOSC4Cancer will make cancer genomics, imaging, medical, clinical, environmental and socio-economics data accessible, using and enhancing existing federated systems for identifying, sharing, processing and reusing cancer data.
More information: https://eosc4cancer.eu/
Grant number: 101058427
EOSC-EVERSE (2024–2027)
The EVERSE project aims to create a framework for research software and code excellence, collaboratively designed and championed by the research communities. It aims to build a European network of Research Software Quality and lay the foundations of a future Virtual Institute for Research Software Excellence.
More information: https://everse.software/
Grant number: 101129744

EOSC-ENTRUST (2024–2027)
EOSC-ENTRUST aims to create a European network of Trusted Research Environments (TREs) for sensitive data and drive European interoperability by joint development of a common blueprint for federated data access and analysis.
More information: https://eosc-entrust.eu/
Grant number: 101131056

EVORA (2024–2026)
EVORA is building resilience for pandemics, addressing critical needs linked to viral emergence, mitigating collateral effects such as fragmented research, regulatory obstacles, and governance issues.
More information: https://evora-project.eu/
Grant number: 101131959
Genome of Europe (2024–2028)
The Genome of Europe (GoE) project aims to create the first European reference genome, capturing genetic diversity across 27 countries, with data from over 100,000 citizens. By 2028, it will enable breakthroughs in personalised medicine, disease research and public health policy, as well as supporting Europe's health data initiatives.
More information: Genome of Europe project
Grant number: 101100074

Genomic Data Infrastructure (2022–2026)
The Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project is enabling access to genomic and related phenotypic and clinical data across Europe. It is doing this by establishing a federated, sustainable and secure infrastructure to access the data.
More information: https://gdi.onemilliongenomes.eu/
Grant number: 101081813
OSCARS (2024–2027)
OSCARS brings together European Research Infrastructures (RIs) in the ESFRI roadmap and beyond to foster the uptake of Open Science in Europe.
More information: https://oscars-project.eu/
Grant number: 101129751
Pathos (2022–2025)
PathOS is a Horizon Europe project aiming to collect concrete evidence of Open Science effects, study the pathways of Open Science practices, from input to output, outcome and impact, including the consideration of enabling factors and key barriers.
More information: Pathos website
Grant number: 101058728
PROPHET (2022–2026)
PROPHET will deliver specific measures to educate and empower different stakeholder groups – citizens, healthcare professionals, and policy makers – to play an active role in the self-management of health and self-care. The project will build a Personalised Prevention Roadmap for the future healthcare, that will be co-created together with a large panel of stakeholders gathered in the PROPHET Stakeholder Forum.
More information: PROPHET website
Grant number: 101057721

This Project brings together, for the first time, research infrastructures, core facilities, business management Schools and European universities, in a new innovative concept to transform the access and empowerment of human resources for national and international scientific facilities in Europe.
More information: RItrainPlus website
Grant number: 101008503

Past projects
The projects are listed alphabetically.
B1MG (2020–2023)
The Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) consortium will provide coordination and support to the 1+ Million Genomes initiative (1+MG), which is based upon the commitment of 21 European Member States and Norway that have signed the Declaration ‘Towards access to at least 1 million sequenced genomes in the EU by 2022’.
More information: B1MG website
Grant number: 951724

BiCIKL (2021-2024)
The Biodiversity Community Integrated Knowledge Library (BiCKL) will connect infrastructures to enable researchers to access services across the biodiversity data lifecycle. It will build the Biodiversity Knowledge Hub (BKH) – a single knowledge portal for interlinked and machine-readable FAIR data – using unique stable identifiers on specimens, genomics, observations, taxonomy and publications.
More information: BiCIKL website
Grant number: 101007492

BioMedBridges (2012-2015)
BioMedBridges (Building data bridges between biological and medical infrastructures in Europe) was a joint effort of twelve biomedical sciences research infrastructures on the ESFRI roadmap. The project developed a shared e-infrastructure — the technical bridges — to allow data integration in the biological, medical, translational and clinical domains and thus strengthen biomedical resources in Europe. It was coordinated by the Eurpean Bioinformatics Institute (EBI).
More information: http://www.biomedbridges.eu
Grant number: 284209

BY-COVID (2021-2024)
BY-COVID is a project funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme. It aims to make data about SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses easier to access, aggregate and analyse. This will enable scientists to respond faster to new strains of SARS-CoV-2 or to new viruses. It will also help policy-makers assess the impact of the disease and take the most appropriate measures to protect people against new viral diseases.
More information: BY-COVID website
Grant number: 101046203
CINECA (Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa) aims to deliver a transcontinental infrastructure for data discovery and sharing of human genetic and phenotypic data for research and healthcare. Key project challenges include developing standardised methods and portals for federated search and discovery, an authentication and authorisation infrastructure, and harmonised metadata. A trans-national ELSI framework that enables data-sharing, and which adheres to national and European regulations, is a crucial component of the project.
More information: CINECA website
Grant number: 825775

CORBEL (2015-2020)
CORBEL (Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services) aims to establish and support new models for biological and medical research in Europe, by harmonising user access to resources, unifying data management and creating common ethical and legal services. It is a €14.5 million project, bringing together major biomedical Research Infrastructures and coordinated by the ELIXIR Hub.
More information: http://www.corbel-project.eu
Grant number: 654248

EHDS2 Pilot (2022-2023)
EHDS2 Pilot will build a pilot version of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) infrastructure for the secondary use of health data “HealthData&EU” which will serve research, innovation, policy making and regulatory purposes.
More information: EHDS2 Pilot website
Grant number: 825775

ELIXIR-CONVERGE will drive good data management, reproducibility and reuse across the ELIXIR Nodes. With partners from all 23 Nodes, ELIXIR-CONVERGE will start the work of creating a European data federation where interconnected national operations allow users to extract large, diverse datasets across national boundaries.
More information: ELIXIR-CONVERGE pages
Grant number: 871075

EMBRIC ( 2015-2019)
Funded with €9 million by the HORIZON 2020 programme, EMBRIC (European Marine Biological Research Infrastructure Cluster) connects marine biotechnology research infrastructures that focus on science, industry and regional growth. The project is coordinated by the ESFRI Research Infrastructure EMBRC - European Marine Biological Resource Centre.
More information: http://www.embric.eu/
Grant number: 654008

EMTRAIN (2009-2016)
EMTRAIN (European Medicines Research Training Network) establishes a sustainable, pan-European platform for education and training, from basic science through clinical development to drug safety. The public consortium consists of six pan-European biomedical research infrastructures from the ESFRI roadmap, covering a broad spectrum of competencies from molecules to humans and with a pan-European dimension.
More information: http://www.emtrain.eu
Grant number: 115015

ENVRIPlus (2015-2019)
ENVRIplus is a Horizon 2020 project bringing together Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures to create a more coherent, interdisciplinary and interoperable cluster of Environmental Research Infrastructures across Europe. ELIXIR is involved in Theme 2 Data for science, which focuses on the interoperability of data among the Research Infrastructures, data identification and citation services, data processing and curation.
More information: www.envriplus.eu
Grant number: 654182

EOSC Enhance (2019-2021)
EOSC Enhance aims to improve and enhance the discoverability of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) services and resources. It will develop and augment the EOSC catalogue, and enrich the EOSC data offering by connecting the thematic clusters and clouds currently in development.
More information: https://www.eosc-portal.eu/enhance
Grant number: 871160

EOSC-Future (2021–2024)
EOSC Future will establish a trusted platform with open and FAIR data, resources and services for all scientific disciplines. The platform will also seamlessly integrate existing data and services from science communities, research infrastructures and e-infrastructures. Via a single sign-on system, European researchers will thus have access to interoperable resources and support to manage the full lifecycle of their data.
More information: https://eoscfuture.eu/
Grant number: 101017536

EOSC-Life (2019-2023)
The EOSC-Life project aims to create an open collaborative digital space for life science in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The 13 research infrastructures involved in the project will publish data from facilities and data resources in the EOSC. They will link these resources to open and reusable Tools and Workflows accessible to users via Europe’s national and international life-science clouds. EOSC-Life also aims to connect users across Europe to a single login authentication system and develop the policies needed to preserve and deepen the trust given by research participants and patients volunteering their data and samples.
More information: www.eosc-life.eu
Grant number: 824087

EOSCpilot (2017-2019)
The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project (EOSCpilot) is supporting the first phase in the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) as described in the European Commission Communication on European Cloud Initiatives. It is a consortium of 33 pan-European organisations & 15 third parties with the objective of reducing fragmentation and improving interoperability between European data infrastructures. ELIXIR is a partner in the Data Interoperability Work Package and in the Governance Work Package.
More information: www.eoscpilot.eu
Grant number: 739563

eTRANSAFE (2017-2022)
The eTRANSAFE project aims to “Enhance TRANslational SAFEty” assessment through integrative knowledge management of the drug discovery process. A consortium of 26 organisations funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), eTRANSAFE will work towards the establishment of overarching policies and guidelines for data sharing, secondary use of human safety data and use of pooled data and models in drug safety assessment.
ELIXIR will be leading two main tasks: (1) creating a policy framework that allows industry and other organisations to share drug safety data and adhere to consistent guidelines for predictive toxicology models, and (2) data interoperability and integration.
More information: http://www.etransafe.eu
Grant number: 777365

The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (2019-2023)
The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) brings over 130 institutions from 35 countries to create a comprehensive, sustainable ecosystem to support effective use of Rare Disease (RD) data and resources. The project will maximize the potential of already funded tools and programmes by scaling them up, linking, and adapting them to the specific needs of RD researchers. It will also develop a model of financial support for RD research coupled with accelerated translation of research results into clinical practice.
Together with three other biomedical research infrastructures (BBMRI, ECRIN and EATRIS), ELIXIR plays a crucial role of providing research infrastructure services and resources for efficient deposition, discoverability, access, and advanced use of RD data, samples, patients and tools. In particular, ELIXIR will work within Pillar 2 (Innovative Coordinated Access to Data and Services) in Work Package 10 (User-driven strategic planning and transversal activities for data ecosystem), Work Package 11 (Virtual platform for data and resources) and Work Package 12 (Enabling Sustainable FAIRness and Federation at the Record Level for RD Data, Patients and Samples).
More information: https://www.ejprarediseases.org
Grant number: 825575

EU-STANDS4PM (2019-2021)
EU-STANDS4PM will initiate an EU-wide mapping process to assess and evaluate strategies for data-driven in silico modelling approaches. A central goal is to develop harmonised transnational standards, recommendations and guidelines that allow a broad application of predictive in silico methodologies in personalised medicine across Europe.
More information: https://www.eu-stands4pm.eu/home
Grant number: 825843

EXCELERATE (2015-2019)
EXCELERATE is a €19 million HORIZON 2020 project to help ELIXIR coordinate and extend national and international data resources and ensure the delivery of world-leading life-science data services. It supports a pan-European training programme, anchored in national infrastructures, to increase bioinformatics capacity and competency. Coordinated by the ELIXIR Hub, it involves 47 partners from 17 countries.
More information: www.elixir-europe.org/excelerate
Read our news release highlighting the project results
Grant number: 676559

FAIRplus (2019-2022)
The FAIRplus project aims to develop tools and guidelines for making life science data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). The project has 21 partners from academia and industry, and runs from January 2019 to December 2022.
More information: https://fairplus-project.eu/
Grant number: 802750

HealthyCloud (2020-2023)
The objective of HealthyCloud is to generate guidelines, recommendations and specifications to enable distributed health research across Europe in the form of a Ready-to-implement Roadmap. Together with the feedback from diverse stakeholders, this roadmap will be the basis to produce the final HealthyCloud Strategic Agenda for the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC).
More information: HealthyCloud website
Grant number: 965345

RI Impact Pathways (2018-2020)
RI Impact Pathways is an €1.5 million project which aims to develop a model to describe the socio-economic impact of research infrastructures and their related financial investments. The model is intended to be applicable to research infrastructures across all domains and will be tested on ELIXIR, Cern, Alba and Desy.
More information: https://ri-paths-tool.eu/en (note that the original project website no longer exists)
Grant number: 777563