If your work has received financial support (e.g. grant funding, event sponsorship) or other support (e.g. in-kind contribution, use of the infrastructure and its many services) linked to ELIXIR, you need to visibly acknowledge ELIXIR’s contribution so it can be tracked and reported.
In written work, you may use the following statements:
- This work was funded [or supported] by ELIXIR, the research infrastructure for life science data.
- This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme* under grant agreement No 101131096 (ELIXIR-STEERS). [* adapt the formulation depending on the grant and the programme, in consultation with the project manager and official guidance from the European Commission; note that ELIXIR is funded by a range of EU programmes, including Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, EU4 Health, etc]
- This work used [insert service name], which is provided under ELIXIR, the research infrastructure for life science data. [see full list of ELIXIR services and ELIXIR web portals]
If the above is not practical, note that the following terms are also monitored by the ELIXIR Hub via text-mining (of EuropePMC). Hence, publications/preprints using them will likely be identified:
- ELIXIR Commissioned Service
- ELIXIR Implementation Study [and plural form]
- ELIXIR Travel Grant, ELIXIR Staff Exchange
- funded/supported by ELIXIR
- (has received) funding from ELIXIR
- ELIXIR BioHackathon Europe
- Names and agreement numbers of European Union grants in which the ELIXIR Hub is a beneficiary
Need more help?
For feedback and questions, please contact info@elixir-europe.org. Further guidance is available through dedicated pages on how to publish ELIXIR-related work and communications (e.g. branding guidelines, style guide, logos, templates).