Data Security Technologist at GA4GH

The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) is currently looking for an Data Security Technologist.

The Data Security Technologist will provide direct support to the leaders of the Data Security Work Stream in order to guide both GA4GH technical work streams and driver projects in assessing risks associated with their standards and implementations, and In conceptualizing and implementing appropriate countermeasures.  As a critical step in final product approval, the Data Security Technologist will perform thorough reviews of work stream products, including penetration testing as appropriate, and provide input to the GA4GH Steering Committee regarding each product’s readiness for approval as a standard.  As a hands-on technical specialist, the Data Security Technologist will help develop, and support implementations of, technology standards and best practices for protecting genomic data and services consistent with the GA4GH policy framework, including the development, customization, and adoption of standards for federated identity management, data security, privacy protection, service assurance, and breach communications and response.

Please contact for more information.

Closing date
Organisation name
Global Alliance for Genomics and Health