Genomic data management for TraIT using the EGA

This TraIT-EGA project allowed Dutch research projects in translational medicine submit, store and access their data, using the European Genome Archive (EGA).

TraIT (Translational research IT) is a project by the Dutch Center for Translational Molecular Medicine (CTMM) to implement an IT infrastructure for translational biomedical research. It facilitates the collection, storage, analysis, sharing, and securing of the data generated in large multi-center translational research projects all across the Netherlands.

The goal of the project was to connect TraIT's platform - TranSMART - with the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA), and enable the Dutch researchers to use EGA as the long-term storage for raw data from all TraIT projects. The TraIT data stored in EGA will then be available on demand to the TraIT researchers for further analysis in a cloud service (using Galaxy workflow).

The project also ensured that the researchers accessing the data though the cloud have the necessary EGA Data Access Committee (DAC) authorisation.

This study was one of the Pilot Actions for 2015 and is now finished, the results are outlined in the end report. There was some alignment with the BILS-ProteomeXchange Implementation Study, developing a single point of entry for users to access and query data. There was a significant contribution for rare disease researchers, where the very nature of the data means it is spread across a number of instititues or countries. 


Webinar summarising the outcomes