ELIXIR-STEERS WP4: Strengthening and equipping ELIXIR Nodes and Node staff with key skills and resources in organisation, management and training

The overall goal of this WP is to strengthen the organisational, managerial, and training skills of ELIXIR Nodes, thus enabling their effective operation.

Effective operations will lead to more efficient, more visible, and widely accessible services, in addition to increased performance of ELIXIR as a pan-European RI.


O4.1 Embedding good practices in ELIXIR Node operations, equipping Nodes, established and new, with guidelines on how to be(come) sustainable and effective. Task 4.1
O4.2 Consolidate and strengthen the organisational and management capacity of ELIXIR Nodes, equipping RI staff with relevant skills. Task 4.2
O4.3 Capacity building of training skills for ELIXIR Node staff equipping them with training skills will enable Nodes to more efficiently transfer their knowledge, skills and resources to end-users. Task 4.3


ELIXIR Nodes need to make themselves sustainable by embedding good practices. Task 4.1 aims to lay the groundwork for this goal by:

  • Undertaking a Node capacity mapping exercise, with the aim of identifying Node diversity, organisation, maturity, outreach, and national impact;
  • Identifying examples of good practices for Node development and service provision and consolidating these into advisory documentation - an almanack - based upon previous knowledge and experiences;
  • Identify the key knowledge needed for establishing new ELIXIR Nodes and identifying and onboarding core management roles (ELIXIR Heads of Node and Node staff with operation/managerial roles etc); this activity is linked to Task 4.2 where a training programme in management and organisation aimed to ELIXIR Nodes will be delivered (D4.3).
  • Establish a Node development community of key stakeholders to review and share good practices and Node knowledge.

Leadership: Jiří Vondrášek, Anna Strachotova and Natalia Pizemova (UOCHB), Celia van Gelder and Mijke Jetten (Health-RI), Wei Gu (PNED), Gyorffy Balazs and Zsuzsanna Dosztanyi (HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences), Brane Leskošek (University of Ljubljana), Franscesca De Leo (CNR), Martin Reczko (BSRCAF), Bengt Persson, Jessica Lindvall and Jessica Lindberg (Uppsala University), Hedi Peterson, (University of Tartu), Dan Ben-Avraham (Weizmann Institute of Science), Ana Portugal Melo (biodata.pt), Colm Ryan (University College Dublin), Fran Borovecki (University of Zagreb School of Medicine).

This task provide ELIXIR Node staff with expertise in managing their operations. It builds on ELIXIR-CONVERGE efforts towards excellence in management, EMMRI masters courses delivered under RITrain and RITrain Plus, and complements ELIXIR's ongoing efforts to develop its capacity in impact evaluation and outreach to funders.

  • Expand ELITMa to support ELIXIR Node Services Provision to embed recommendations from task 4.1 and WP2, and to include a module on carbon footprint of RI operations.
  • Delivery of ELIXIR Training programme in Management (ELITMa), developed under ELIXIR-CONVERGE and based on ELIXIR specific context and Node staff needs. Feedback surveys and socio-economic impact indicators and narratives from ELITMa activities will be collected to improve the programme and demonstrate its value to funders and stakeholders. Training materials will be based on existing resources and support from the ELIXIR Training Platform.
  • Training on impact evaluation and on outreach to funders will be delivered by the ELIXIR Hub, and attendance will be open to current ELIXIR Members and prospective new ELIXIR countries.

These efforts can be adapted to the context of other RIs and contribute to the overall strengthening of the ESFRI landscape.

Leadership: Ana Portugal Melo (biodata.pt), Anna Strachotova (UOCHB), David Dolan (University of Bergen), Bengt Persson (Uppsala University), Celia van Gelder, Mijke Jetten (Health-RI), Wei Gu (PNED), Brane Leskošek (University of Ljubljana), Lucy Poveda (SIB), Balázs Győrffy, (HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences), Munazah Andrabi (University of Manchester), Xénia Perez (Earlham Institute), Corinne Martin (ELIXIR Hub), Dan Ben-Avraham (Weizmann Institute of Science), Hedi Peterson (University of Tartu), Fran Borovečki (University of Zagreb School of Medicine), Colm Ryan (University College Dublin).

The task aims to build training capacity in ELIXIR Node staff, targeting those with technical and training roles. Training knowledge and skills implemented in the Nodes will enable the RI to promote their expertise and work more efficiently.

The task builds upon already established good practices and resources within the ELIXIR Training Platform (e.g. the ELIXIR-GOBLET Train-the-Trainer programme) and within the Nodes (e.g. training courses and materials), and will also leverage knowledge in resources connected to ELIXIR such as GOBLET (mygoblet.org), Intersect (intersect-training.org) and others.

The task will:

  • Update the assessment of training needs from each Node in articulation with the ELIXIR Training Platform work programme
  • Deliver a customised programme (Bring-your-own-course style) of workshops and hackathons. The training programme aims to develop training skills of ELIXIR Node staff and improve training content based on Train the Trainer best practices (D4.1)
  • Deliver Train the Trainer courses to ELIXIR Node staff in articulation with the ELIXIR Training Platform work programme
  • Collocate with WP2 and WP3 hackathons and other training events to exchange knowledge and build capacity in training expertise for ELIXIR Node staff.

Leadership: Erik Hjerde (UiT The Arctic university of Norway), Brane Leskošek (University of Ljubljana), Björn Grüning (University of Freiburg - Albert-Ludwigs-Universität), Patricia Palagi (SIB), David Dolan (University of Bergen), Eva Alloza (BSC), Colm Ryan (University College Dublin), Jessica Lindvall (Stockholm University), Zsuzsanna Dosztanyi (HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences), Munazah Andrabi (University of Manchester), Jiří Vondrášek (UOCHB), Hedi Peterson (University of Tartu), Fran Borovečki (University of Zagreb School of Medicine), Ana Portugal Melo (biodata.pt).

WP Leaders

Jessica Lindvall
Jessica Lindvall
(ELIXIR Sweden)
Jiří Vondrášek
Jiří Vondrášek

(ELIXIR Czech)

Ana Portugal Melo
Ana Portugal Melo
(ELIXIR Portugal)