Hub updates
The ELIXIR Board held its fifth meeting in Prague last week. Key outcomes include:
- Approval of ELIXIR Node applications from new ELIXIR Member States - Belgium, Italy and Slovenia.
- Appointment of Dr Francis Ouellette, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Canada as a member of the ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board
- Appointment of Belinda Clarke, Agri-Tech East, UK and Sara Paulina de Oliveira Monteiro, P-BIO, Portugal to the ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee.
- Approval of the revised ELIXIR Hub Budget and Work Plan for 2016
- Approval of portfolio of Implementation Studies for 2016
- Approval of the membership applications of Germany, Ireland and Luxembourg, pending final signature of the ECA.
Read more on our website. We would like to thank our colleagues from ELIXIR Czech republic for the organisation.
Thanks to those who have submitted abstracts to the ELIXIR Application Track at ECCB 2016. A reminder to those still finalising theirs, the deadline is today at midnight! The submission review will be carried out in conjunction with ELIXIR's F1000Research Editorial Board.
Biological data have direct impact on innovation, reveals new paper in ELIXIR F1000Research channel by ELIXIR and EMBL-EBI on patterns of database citations in patents and articles.
Sanne Abeln (ELIXIR Netherlands) will present an update on the ELIXIR - TraIT pilot on management of translational data with European Genome-phenome Archive. This Wednesday 20 April 2016 at 14.00 BST. Contact us if you are interested in presenting a Webinar on your ELIXIR activities.
Data Management Plans Working Group launches survey on data management planning within ELIXIR Nodes. All relevant members of ELIXIR Nodes are invited to take part; the deadline is 29 April 2016.
Node updates
Two Software Carpentry Workshops, co-organised and supported by SIB (ELIXIR Switzerland) will be held on 20-21 June 2016 in Lausanne, and on 23-24 June 2016 in Basel.
EMBL-EBI is organising workshop in collaboration with the H2020 project BioExcel on addressing training needs for advanced simulations in biomolecular research. 3-4 May 2016, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.
Job board
The ELIXIR Hub is seeking a ELIXIR Technical Lead (Data and Interoperability) to join the team at Hinxton.
The Dutch Techcentre for Life Science (DTL, ELIXIR Netherlands) is seeking two Software Engineers - Linked Data.
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is seeking a Communications Manager, project manager and Clinical Bioinformatics Project Manager to join their team.
Upcoming events
- Meetings and Conferences
19-20 April 2016 | Lunteren, The Netherlands
Dutch Bioinformatics & Systems Biology conference (BioSB 2016)
26-27 April 2016 | Copenhagen, Denmark
1st European Conference for Translational Bioinformatics
10-13 May 2016 | Valencia, Spain
XIII Symposium on Bioinformatics
25-26 Aug 2016 | Odense, Denmark.
Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference.
- Webinars
20 April 2016 |
ELIXIR Webinar - Update on ELIXIR - TraIT pilot
- ELIXIR Technical Hackathon and Data and Software Carpentry events
18-20 May 2016 | Paris, France
Technical Hackathon: Tools, Workflows and Workbenches
ELIXIR related Workshops and Courses organised by ELIXIR Nodes
25 April 2016 | Lausanne, Switzerland
Advanced Technical Presentation Techniques 1, core techniques
26 April 2016 | Lausanne, Switzerland
Advanced Technical Presentation Techniques 2: Design and delivery skills
27 April 2016 | Lausanne, Switzerland
Perl 6: Transparadigm Programming 101
25-27 April 2016 | Lausanne, Switzerland
Exploring common and rare disease genetics with GWAS and NGS
2-5 May 2016 | Naples, Italy
NGS for evolutionary biologists: from basic scripting to variant calling
9-11 May 2016 | Amsterdam, Netherlands
In silico life: constraint-based modelling at genome scale
10 May 2016 | Lausanne, Switzerland
Survival analysis
23-25 May 2016 | Espoo, Finland
Using clouds and VMs in bioinformatics training
23-27 May 2016 | Delft, Netherlands
Course: Algorithms for Biological Networks (4th edition)
24 May 2016 | Geneva, Switzerland
First Steps with UNIX in Life Sciences
29 May - 2 June 2016 | Leukerbad, Switzerland
Spring School Bioinformatics and Population Genomics
7-10 June 2016 | Naples, Italy
RNA-Seq data analysis workshop
20-21 June 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
Software Carpentry Workshop
23-24 June 2016 | Basel, Switzerland
Software Carpentry Workshop
- Industry events
12-13 May 2016 | Oslo, Norway
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Data-driven innovation in the aquaculture and marine industries