The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.
Action items
External reviewers needed - Request for Proposals - Integration of Data Resources from ELIXIR Nodes
A reminder to please pass on the names of people you feel would be appropriate for the External Review panel to review proposals for the integration of Data Resources from ELIXIR Node to, by August 10th. Any queries please contact Rachel Drysdale.
For information
ELIXIR Deposition Databases for Biomolecular Data
As agreed at the HoN Retreat in Woking June 13-14th, please see this short description and draft list of the initial set of ELIXIR Deposition Databases, which were identified through the first Core Data Resource selection process. You will recall that in building this list we are responding to funding agencies and journals who regularly ask for this information.
Having reviewed the databases in the Service Delivery Plans that have been approved so far by the SAB, we did not identify any other obvious deposition databases, based on the following definition of an ELIXIR Deposition Database:
- It is included in the Service Delivery Plan of a Node
- The content must be made up of depositions of experimental data
- Depositions must be from an international community of researchers beyond the funding envelope of the database itself.
- The resource meets the technical quality and governance criteria expected of ELIXIR Core Data Resources (see the F1000R article 'Identifying ELIXIR Core Data Resources'), which align with the FAIR principles, but may be at an earlier stage of development, meeting an emerging scientific requirement, or may be narrower in scope. This can be demonstrated by the completion of a candidate Core Data Resource document.
If we have missed any Deposition Databases that are listed on an approved SDP, please let us know by email, to
As agreed at the Retreat, the plan is to announce both the initial ELIXIR Core Data Resource list and an initial ELIXIR Deposition Database list at the ISMB conference in Prague, July 25th.
Further resources can be added to this list, once listed formally on the Node's Service Delivery Plan and a candidate Core Data Resource document completed. Please let us know by email, to, if there is anything we have missed.
Principles for the selection and renewal of ELIXIR Use Cases - Application template ready
We have not received any opposing comments with regards to the principles for the selection and renewal of ELIXIR Use Cases, as presented in ELIXIRHON/2017/15. Thus, we can consider the principles agreed. The HoN WG has now prepared an ELIXIR Use Case Application template, based on the agreed principles. We will send the Use Case Application template to all existing ELIXIR Use Cases and also make available to all at Nodes. The deadline to submit Use Cases for consideration is 10 September and all submissions will then be presented to the HoN at the meeting taking place 13 September in Basel.
ELIXIR Staff Exchange Programme - request for proposals closed
We were very happy to receive a total of seven Staff Exchange project proposals by the deadline 30 June. The projects, which include the involvement of 10 ELIXIR Nodes, will now be sent to our internal review-panel for scoring. We expect to be able to announce projects selected for funding by mid-September.
Dates for ELIXIR SAB meeting 2018
The next ELIXIR SAB f-2-f meeting has been confirmed to take place 1-2 February 2018 at Hinxton. ELIXIR HoNs are invited to join ELIXIR SAB meetings by open invitation. Further information will be made available in due course. In the meantime, please hold the dates in your diaries.
SOP for Registering Relying Services to ELIXIR AAI
In June 2016 the ELIXIR HoN Committee agreed on the ELIXIR AAI strategy which, among other things, defines the eligibility of an organisation (a.k.a. a Relying Party) to leverage the ELIXIR AAI services. The strategy imposes also data protection obligations to the Relying Parties. The Compute Platform has prepared a Standard Operational Procedure to describe the day-to-day processes to ensure the requirements presented in the strategy are met. The SOP for Registering Relying Services to ELIXIR AAI, approved by the ELIXIR Director, will now be put in practise and also included into the Handbook of Operations.
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Node meeting (to review the 2018 Work Plan and Budget)
- 13 September 2017, Basel, Switzerland
Heads of Node TC
- 5 December 2017, 13.00 - 16.00 UK time/14.00 - 17.00 CET
Heads of Node TC
- 2 March 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET
Heads of Nodes meeting @ ELIXIR All Hands
- 6-7 June 2018, Berlin, Germany
Heads of Nodes meeting @ ECCB 2018
- to be held alongside ECCB conference taking place 9-12 September 2018 in Athens, Greece. Time/date TBC.
Heads of Node TC
- 7 December 2018, 13.00-16.00 UK time /14.00-17.00 CET