Key Contributors Update 4 November 2016

The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.

Important updates

Report from ELIXIR SAB teleconference, October 2016

The general report from the ELIXIR SAB October teleconference is now available via google drive.

Specific feedback on the new ELIXIR Node Services and new ELIXIR Node application presented for review at the meeting has been sent to the Heads of Nodes concerned.

TeSS web domain

Following the recent production release, ELIXIR UK has proposed TeSS: ELIXIR's Training Portal be granted a subdomain of the official ELIXIR site, as an established, ELIXIR wide service with content from many ELIXIR Nodes, in accordance with the ELIXIR Web Policy. The ELIXIR Hub supports this proposal, if you have any comments please contact us.

Action items

Suggestions for ELIXIR Webinars 2017

The ELIXIR Hub is seeking suggestions for topics for ELIXIR Webinars to continue the ELIXIR Webinar Series into 2017.

Webinars generally take place every third Wednesday of the month, consisting of around 30 minute presentation on ELIXIR related activities and up to 30 minutes for questions and discussion. The webinars are open to those both inside and outside of ELIXIR to take part and the recordings from the webinar are also made available via the ELIXIR website/you tube channel for viewing at a later date.

Please send suggestions to

From last week's update:

Nominations for external reviewers for the selection of Core Data Resources

As discussed at the recent HoN meeting, the ELIXIR SAB recommended the use of external experts, in addition to the HoN committee, in the review of candidate Core Data Resources.

The suggestion is to invite academic and industry experts with strong emphasis on finding reviewers who do not have ties with those candidate data resources. We will look to use members of the the ELIXIR IAC for industry expertise, but would like to ask the HoN to nominate reviewers from academia. They should be senior, active researchers. We also welcome nominations for reviewers with background and expertise on infrastructure services.

Please submit your nominations by Monday 7 November to The external review panel will be selected by Director in consultation with the Data Platform.

For information

EXCELERATE First project periodic report

The first reporting period of EXCELERATE (Sep 2015 - Feb 2017) is nearing its end. The report constitutes a significant project milestone and will provide the basis for the project's mid-term review. At the same time, it is the first instance that "hard evidence" will become available on how, and for what, resources are used across EXCELERATE.

Due dates for 1st periodic report EXCELERATE:

  • RP1 ends 28 February 2017
  • Input for financial report (Form C) due to Hub: 15 March 2017
  • Scientific reports due to Hub: 31 March 2017

People involved:

  • WP leaders and scientific staff
  • Admin and finance staff
  • Heads of Nodes

The first day of the ELIXIR all-hands meeting will be used as a "test run" for the project mid-term review and to highlight WP achievements to date. Synergies between work packages can then be refined between the all-hands meeting (7 March, Barcelona) and the mid-term review (10 May, Brussels).

Information on what to expect in the report is also available via the ELIXIR project management network:

Templates for the scientific reports will be made available over the next few weeks.

EXCELERATE milestone: review of equal opportunities across ELIXIR

This milestone is due in April 2016. In a first instance, it will likely consist of the following initial steps:

  • a brief review of Node (or Node-affiliated institute) equal opportunities policies and processes: are these available and, where they are, their key points
  • a brief definition of what "equal opportunities" should mean within ELIXIR
  • some basic recommendations on how to promote equal opportunities in ELIXIR
  • a plan for further work (such as, if appropriate, for example and overarching equal opportunities policy for ELIXIR)

If you yourself or your staff are interested in being involved in contributing to this milestone, please sign up to the ELIXIR equal opportunities group and mailing list.

Candidates required for ELIXIR Train-the-Trainer course

The ELIXIR Training Platform is seeking suitable candidates to take part in the 4th ELIXIR Train-the-Trainer pilot course that will be run between November 28th and November 30th, 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, lead Allegra Via (TrC ELIXIR-IT) and Pedro Fernandes (TrC ELIXIR-PT). Further information can be found here.

Introduction to ELIXIR video

An introduction to ELIXIR video is now available via the ELIXIR website.

Further videos on specific areas of activity within ELIXIR will follow over the coming months.

Key dates and meetings

Heads of Node teleconference

  • 8 December 2016, 9-12.00 UK time

Heads of Node meeting (to review submissions to the ELIXIR Core Data Resource Process)

  • 6 February 2017, Heathrow, UK

ELIXIR All Hands meeting

  • 21-23 March 2017, Rome, Italy (preceded by ELIXIR SAB meeting, 20 March 2017)

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE midterm review

  • 10 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium. Time and agenda TBC.

ELIXIR Policy event:

  • 11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium, Time and agenda TBC