Action items
From last week's update:
HoNs and EXCELERATE work package leaders to register for the ELIXIR HoN/EXCELERATE work package leaders meeting, 2-3 September 2015 meeting here (…) , by Friday 7 August.
* Review the draft agenda for the ELIXIR HoN/EXCELRATE Work Package Leaders meeting (…) in September and let Niklas know ( if you have any feedback or suggestions for additional breakout sessions by 31st of July 2015.
* Platform leads to fill in this survey (…) on resource needs in platforms & user communities in 2016 by 12 August and send back to ( .
* Complete this spreadsheet (…) on specific personnel involved in EXCELERATE activities from your Node as necessary, and forward it within your Nodes as required.
* Let Manuel Corpas (mailto:) and Frederik Coppens ( know if you have any comments, views or recommendations regarding the usage and deployment of Galaxy services in your platforms by August 1st.
Update on preparations for ELIXIR-EXCELERATE
The Grant Agreement for ELIXIR-EXCELERATE has now been signed by the EC and EMBL, with the project start date set for 1st of September 2015. Folders for each of the EXCELERATE WPs (…) have been set up in google drive and editing rights to these folders shared with WPLs.If you have not yet done so, please ensure that you check and complete this spreadsheet (…) on specific personnel involved in EXCELERATE activities from your Node as necessary, and forward it within your Nodes as required, in order that we can ensure relevant information is shared with the contacts within your node.
Capacity building: Workshop on Node organisation & governance - tentative dates
WP10 is planning a 2-day workshop on capacity building focussing on Node organisation and governance. For your calendar planning, the tentative dates of the workshop are 2-4 November, with the exact dates and location TBD.
New Visitor to the ELIXIR Hub
We are pleased to announce that EMBL-EBI's Andy Jenkinson has recently joined us as a visitor the ELIXIR Hub in order to help develop ELIXIR's data management architecture and activities.More information about Andy and the work he will be carrying out can be found via the ELIXIR Website (…) .
Update from GA4GH plenary, June 2015
Theplenery summary from the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) third plenary meeting (…) held June 10th in Leiden, the Netherlands is now available via the GA4GH website.More than 230 individuals attended the meeting, representing 152 organizations active in 24 countries.Key themes of the meeting included a push for implementation of tools and approaches, a need to integrate with other data sharing efforts, and the importance of global and sector diversity among GA4GH membership.Other upcoming events and opportunities which may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes
TRANSFoRm Conference 2015: The Learning Health System in Europe
The EU-funded TRANSFoRm project is hosting a conference in Brussels on the 24-25 September 2015 that will bring together EU and US researchers, clinicians, industry stakeholders and Electronic Health Record vendors to exchange knowledge, which may be of interest to ELIXIR Nodes. Participation is freeMore information about the conference and link to the conference registration page (…) can be found via the conference website (…) .
Structural Bioinformatics course at EMBL-EBI
EMBL-EBI is to hold a Structural Bioinformatics course, at Hinxton on the 12-16th October 2015, which may be of interest to staff within ELIXIR Nodes. Registration closes on the 7th August 2015.Full programme and registration details can be found here (http:// .This course is aimed at researchers who want to learn more about the application of structural information in their work and how to use the bioinformatics resources that are available. Please circulate this information to staff within your Node.
Reminder of Key Meetings/Dates
HoN and EXCELERATE WP leads meeting (2-3 Sept) (…)
ELIXIR Board meeting, Hinxton, Cambridge (22 - 23 Oct)
Symposium: Open bridges for life science data, Hinxton, UK (17-18 Nov) (…)
CORBEL Kick off meeting (19 Nov)
ELIXIR SAB (8-9 Dec)/EXCELERATE kick off meeting (10 Dec)
ELIXIR all-hands meeting (8-9 Mar 2016) Key dates for EXCELERATE including details of upcoming Work Package meetings will be added to the EXCELERATE project calendar (…) , as they become available.
If you have any dates to add to the calendar please let us know ( .Information on upcoming TrCG meetings can be found here (…)