The update to ELIXIR Heads of Nodes is sent weekly on Friday afternoon. Training and Technical Coordinators are also copied in. Contact for any questions.
Important updates
ELIXIR Services
The word 'Service' is used with reference to many different things within ELIXIR. To clarify the situation, the Hub has prepared a document to provide a definition of terms and scope of ELIXIR Services. It is a reference for the development of Node Service Delivery Plans (SDPs) and ELIXIR Commissioned Services and will be updated when necessary. This document will also be included in the ELIXIR Handbook of Operations.
Update on Implementation Studies funded by the ELIXIR Hub
To connect the Implementation Studies more deeply with the ELIXIR Platforms, the Hub will no longer accept unsolicited Implementation Study proposals from Nodes. From July 2016 onwards, new Hub-funded technical activities will be proposed in two ways:Specific technical projects put forward by the Platforms in agreement with the HubSubmitted in response to a defined Service Request prepared by the Hub together with the Heads of Nodes.In spring 2016, the Hub received a number of Implementation Study proposals, which will now be taken to the ELIXIR Platforms for prioritisation and review. We will notify the submitters of these proposals of the next steps and provide the Platforms with guidelines for review.
In preparation for the 2017 Work Plan, the Hub will now work with the Platforms to decide which projects to take forward in 2017. In addition, we are considering developing a Service Request (option 2) on the subject of integrating Node resources. If agreed with the Heads of Nodes, such request would at the earliest be made public from January 2017.
For further information, contact
Action items
From previous weeks:
Actions for HoNs from ELIXIR HoNs retreat:
- By 4 July: Provide any feedback on the draft ELIXIR Open Source Software Principles. (ELIXIRHON/2016/6) to ELIXIR Chief Technical Officer, Rafael Jimenez
- By 8 July: Review and send us any comments on the HoN retreat minutes. The minutes are available on Google drive.
- By 8 July: Send us any comments on priorities for 2017-2018 slides presented at the meeting to the ELIXIR Hub.
- By 25 July: Provide any comments on the ELIXIR Quality Management Strategy (ELIXIRHON/2016/5) to ELIXIR Technical Officer, Montse Gonzalez
- By 4 September: Put forward any requests for inclusion in the next EXCELERATE Grant Agreement amendment to Stephanie Suhr at the ELIXIR Hub before the HoN meeting in September.
For your information
Luxembourg today became the latest country to join ELIXIR, following the ratification of the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement by its Ministry of Higher Education and Research. ELIXIR's membership now stands at 18, with a further two countries - Ireland and Greece - as Observers.
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
A proposal involving ELIXIR was recently submitted to the Horizon 2020 topic on the European Open Science Cloud (INFRADEV-3). The proposal was coordinated by STFC, with CSC as co-coordinators. ELIXIR was engaged in the following Work Packages: governance; science demonstrators; services; and interoperability. If funded, the two-year project will ensure that ELIXIR is engaged in many of the key discussions that will be taking place during the EOSC pilot phase.
Key dates and meetings
Heads of Node meeting
- 4 September, 16-19:00, The Hague, Netherlands (during the ECCB 2016)
Heads of Node Teleconference
- 8 December 2016, 9-12.00 UK time
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE midterm review
- 10 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium. Time and agenda TBC.
ELIXIR Policy meeting:
- 11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium, Time and agenda TBC