ELIXIR Tools and Services Registry organised its second Curation and Usability Hackathon

A three day hackathon organized by ELIXIR-CZ took a place in Brno, Czech Republic on 4-6 November 2015. The hackathon was aimed at representatives of all ELIXIR Nodes and their key partners, who would like to add their software to the ELIXIR Tools & Data Service Registry – the portal to life science software.

The first Curation and Usability Hackathon (Nov 2014), followed by the first release of the Registry (Winter 2014), motivated a registration of rich content from various ELIXIR nodes and other EU partners beyond ELIXIR.  As a follow-up, ELIXIR nodes in the Czech Republic and Denmark organised a second hackathon to register further software from European countries, to develop key technical ideas, and build up the community. An important accent of this hackathon was put on Central European countries (Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia). This hackathon was also a vital step in establishing the network of curators underpinning the “federated curation model” and extension of the existing curation (annotation and registration) mechanisms.

The outputs of the hackathon included (among others):

  • Planning activities for the ELIXIR-CZ and ELIXIR-DK collaboration - which can serve as a blueprint for other ELIXIR nodes,
  • Establishing collaboration with scholars from Austria and Slovakia,
  • Preparing the import of tools from Expasy and SEQwiki to the Registry,
  • Testing the ReGaTE software for registration of tools from Galaxy instances,
  • Curation of Italian and other resources along with EDAM development,
  • Technical scoping of National and other views of the Registry, including the meta-registry of key "go-to" people for tools and services in Europe,
  • Critique of registry interfaces and trial implementation of a new public software for tracking Registry feature requests.