Prof. Pascal Borry, Prof. Kate Bushby, and Dr Susan Wallace have been appointed new members of the ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The new members have been appointed by the ELIXIR Board at its October meeting in Hinxton, UK.
Kate Bushby replaces Dr Ségolène Aymé who has stepped down from the ELIXIR SAB at the end of her term in October 2015. Pascal Borry and Susan Wallace will work in the SAB as experts on Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI).
Prof. Kate Bushby MD FRCP is a Professor of Neuromuscular Genetics, a clinical academic with joint appointments between Newcastle University and the National Health Service in the UK. She is also Deputy Director of the MRC Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases. She is one of the founders of the TREAT-NMD Network of Excellence, and a member of the European Commission expert group on rare diseases.
Prof. Pascal Borry is Programme Director of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics at the University of Leuven, Belgium, and teaches medical ethics to medical students. He is a member of the Flemish Commission on neonatal screening, member of the Belgian Consultative Committee on Bioethics, and expert of the Superior Health Council in Belgium. Within the European Society of Human Genetics he is member of the Professional and Public Policy Committee, and elected member of the board.
Dr Susan E. Wallace is Lecturer of Population and Public Health Sciences at the University of Leicester, UK. She is a member of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) Ethics and Policy Committee, the UK ICGC Prostate Project Oversight Group and the UK Biobank Ethics and Governance council. Currently, she is also a member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics Working Party on Biological and Health Data.