ELIXIR Czech Republic prioritised by the Czech National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2016-2022

ELIXIR Czech Republic has been selected as a public funding priority for 2016-2022 by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. In the recently published 'Roadmap of Large Infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of the Czech Republic for the years 2016–2022', ELIXIR CZ received the A1 mark, indicating the highest priority for public funding in 2016-2022.

The Roadmap is an outcome of 2014 comprehensive evaluation of research infrastructures in the Czech Republic, presenting 58 positivelly assessed research infrastructures together with their priority degree for public funding (A1-A4). ELIXIR CZ was among the three infrastructures in biomedical sector to receive the highest priority mark.

The Roadmap also positively evaluated the integration of Czech national bioinformatics community into the ELIXIR network: "The participation of ELIXIR CZ in the pan-European research infrastructure ELIXIR is essential and ELIXIR CZ benefits from this membership. It increases the visibility of ELIXIR CZ services and tools, enlarges its user community and it catalyses project based cooperation with other ELIXIR national nodes. (...) Creating ELIXIR CZ research infrastructure and its integration into the pan-European research infrastructure for biological data ELIXIR, represents a key moment for life science disciplines in the Czech Republic."

Roadmap of Large Infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of the Czech Republic for the years 2016–2022 (pdf)
