Eleven Biomedical research infrastructures kick-start CORBEL

Representatives from eleven European research infrastructures in biomedical domain gathered last week on the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton, UK, to kick-off the CORBEL cluster project. Building on the results of BioMedBridges, CORBEL aims to provide a common access to research infrastructures needed for biomedical research.

Hosted by ELIXIR, the CORBEL coordinator, the meeting set out the work for the coming months and established working relations between the project partners. CORBEL will aim at advanced-user projects, covering full range of biomedical research – from bench to bedside. Supporting several pilot projects from different user communities that need access to more than one infrastructure, CORBEL will map and address bottlenecks in the accessing and combining research infrastructure services.

For 2016, the priority will be to link CORBEL’s data management efforts to other standardisation efforts worldwide. Another focus will be on approaches to ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Implications) across research infrastructures.

More general information are available on the project website: www.corbel-project.eu.
