Webinar: Increasing capacity in impact evaluation in a life science research infrastructure


This webinar, open to all within and beyond ELIXIR, will present the outputs and outcomes of the project "Impact evaluation at Node-level - getting it done", funded by ELIXIR-CONVERGE and ELIXIR. The project aimed to increase capacity in impact evaluation across a set of national ELIXIR Nodes. 

One key project output is ELIXIR's Impact Toolkit. It collates a range of impact-related materials including training materials, worked examples, factsheets, lists of indicators, key published references, case studies, and slides. Its intended audience is operators, developers and managers wishing to demonstrate and communicate the performance, impact, and ultimately public value of their research infrastructure, to their particular set of funders and stakeholders.

Hosted by

Kim De Ruyck
Kim De Ruyck
(ELIXIR Belgium)
Christine Stansberg
Christine Stansberg
(ELIXIR Norway)
Corinne Martin
Corinne Martin
Ana M. P. Melo
Ana M. P. Melo
(ELIXIR Portugal)
Erika Balsyte
Erika Balsyte
Corinne Martin (ELIXIR Hub)
Kim De Ruyck (ELIXIR Belgium)
Christine Stansberg (ELIXIR Norway)
Ana M. P. Melo (ELIXIR Portugal)
Erika Balsyte (ELIXIR Hub)